The Top 25 Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has recently experienced a surge in popularity due to its myriad health benefits. Once shunned for its high saturated fat content, coconut oil is now recognized as a "good" fat that can boost energy, facilitate weight loss, and improve overall health.
Here are the top 25 evidence-based ways that coconut oil can benefit your life:
High in Healthy Fats: Coconut oil contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), a type of fatty acid that is quickly metabolized for energy. MCTs may help with weight loss and benefit brain function.
Boosts Metabolism: The MCTs in coconut oil increase energy expenditure compared to long-chain fats, boosting your metabolism. This can aid weight loss.
Suppresses Appetite: The MCTs may positively alter hormone levels to make you feel more satiated after eating. This can lead you to eat less.
Aids Weight and Fat Loss: The MCTs promote fat burning and calorie expenditure, essential for shedding excess body fat.
Has Antimicrobial Properties: Lauric acid makes up nearly 50% of coconut oil. This substance can kill harmful pathogens like bacteria, viruses and fungi.
May Boost Brain Function: MCTs are an excellent brain fuel and are now being studied for their potential effects on brain disorders like Alzheimer’s disease.
Protects Hair Damage: Using coconut oil on your hair before/after washing helps protect it from hygral fatigue and UV exposure. This reduces breakage and split ends.
Moisturizes Skin: Coconut oil melts on contact with skin, providing intense moisturization. It’s suitable for all skin types.
Fights Acne: Lauric acid and antimicrobial lipids in coconut oil help kill acne-causing bacteria. When combined with gentle cleansing, it can improve mild acne.
Speeds Wound Healing: Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory components in coconut oil facilitate faster healing of cuts and burns. It may also minimize scarring.
Boosts Oral Health: Oil pulling with coconut oil kills harmful mouth bacteria that cause tooth decay, gingivitis and bad breath.
Relieves Skin Irritation and Eczema: The moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties make coconut oil ideal for soothing many skin conditions.
Softens Cuticles: Gently rubbing coconut oil on dry, ragged cuticles helps condition nails and cuticles while making them look healthy.
Prevents Split Ends: Using a tiny bit of coconut oil to coat split ends before bed can repair hair damage over time, preventing future splits.
Helps Psoriasis and Dermatitis: The vitamin E and fatty acids reduce inflammation related to these skin conditions. Plus, moisturization heals cracking and lesions.
Strengthens Nails: Coating nails with coconut oil can strengthen them and stimulate healthy growth, leading to longer, less brittle nails.
Smooths Wrinkles: Antioxidants fight oxidative stress that causes wrinkles. Massaging coconut oil into skin boosts collagen and repairs sagging, aged skin.
Fights Yeast Infections: Caprylic acid, lauric acid and other components kill excess Candida yeast in the body, preventing yeast infections.
- Boosts Testosterone: Early research shows MCTs may increase luteinizing hormone which signals the testes to produce more testosterone. This is linked to libido and fertility enhancement.
Aids Digestion: MCTs increase absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and nutrients. Coconut oil also destroys bad gut bacteria and intestinal parasites, improving digestion.
Reduces Inflammation: Nutrients in coconut oil exhibit potent anti-inflammatory effects throughout the body, internally and externally.
Treats UTI and Kidney Infection Symptoms: Lauric acid targets the bacteria-causing urinary tract infections. Coconut oil provides fast relief when consumed consistently.
Heals Bruises Faster: This nourishing oil increases collagen production and blood flow to facilitate faster bruise healing with less visible surface discoloration.
Soothes Hemorrhoid Pain: MCTs reduce inflammation while moisturizing irritated hemorrhoids. Applying coconut oil brings fast, cooling relief.
- Prevents Stretch Marks: Although nothing can guarantee stretch mark prevention, massaged-in coconut oil strengthens skin elasticity which makes getting marks less likely.
As you can see, incorporating coconut oil into your self-care and cooking routines clearly has tremendous benefits! With regular use, this multi-tasking superfood can enhance energy, immunity, skin, hair, weight management and more.