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    Wild Content — Collagen

    When Should You Start Considering Collagen Supplements and Why?


    Collagen, the secret to youthful, glowing skin and strong joints, is something we often overlook as we go about our daily routines. 

    Did you know your body's natural collagen production starts slowing down around 25?

    So when is it time to start adding collagen supplements to your regimen?

    In this blog post, we'll explore the ins and outs of collagen and its effects on aging and guide you through the best time for incorporating these wonder supplements into your lifestyle.

    Key Takeaways

    • Collagen production decreases naturally with age, starting as early as the 20s, leading to physical effects such as fine lines, wrinkles, skin dehydration, and joint wear and tear.
    • Taking collagen supplements in your twenties and thirties can delay the onset of the sagging skin and wrinkles that come with age, as well as improve your skin's firmness, elasticity, and suppleness.
    • Certain lifestyle factors like smoking or excessive sun exposure negatively impact collagen levels, so taking care of its necessary nutrients through a balanced diet is essential. Bone broth is a great source, along with fruits high in vitamin C.

    Understanding Collagen And The Aging Process

    Your body naturally decreases collagen production as you age, decreasing skin suppleness and joint health.

    At What Age Does Collagen Production Decrease

    Studies show that collagen production starts decreasing as early as our 20s and continues to decline throughout our lives. (1)

    Starting in early adulthood, the body loses about 1% of its collagen yearly.

    For instance, imagine two friends enjoying their 25th birthday celebration together. Although they might not notice any significant difference then, by the time they approach their mid-30s or early 40s – if both have led similar lifestyles – they may begin noticing visible signs of aging, like wrinkles and fine lines forming on their skin.

    This is primarily due to the natural collagen depletion within their bodies over the years.

    What Causes Collagen Loss

    As we age, our bodies produce less collagen and break down the collagen we already have at a faster rate, resulting in a loss of collagen.

    However, several external factors can further exacerbate this decline and impact your skin's firmness, elasticity, and overall appearance.

    Collagen breakdown is greatly aided by engaging in unhealthy behaviors such as smoking and drinking excessively.

    Smoking restricts blood flow to the skin's surface, depriving it of essential nutrients for optimal cell regeneration and renewal. (2)

    As for alcohol intake, overindulging can lead to dehydration which negatively affects skin hydration levels - leaving your complexion dull and more prone to fine lines or wrinkles.

    Following a balanced diet full of antioxidants like vitamin C also helps support healthy collagen levels—these essential ingredients aid in promoting new cell growth while combating harmful free radicals contributing to premature aging.

    What Are The Effects Of Decreased Collagen On Your Body

    Decreased collagen levels have sweeping effects on your body, particularly in terms of aging and overall physical health. 

    As the primary structural protein responsible for skin's firmness, elasticity, and suppleness, collagen diminishes as we age – a significant contributor to fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, and decreased skin hydration.

    With less collagen for cell structures and renewal processes within your body, joint wear and tear increases. 

    This can exacerbate joint pain or stiffness while simultaneously reducing flexibility and mobility.

    The consequences don't end there: nails may become more brittle with weakened cells struggling to regenerate properly; gut functions could experience disruption as intestinal lining integrity is compromised by insufficient collagen production.

    When Should You Take Collagen Supplements

    In your 20s and 30s, taking collagen supplements can be a preventative measure to support the body's natural collagen production. (3)

    In your 40s and beyond, it can help reduce the physical effects of decreased collagen on your body for anti-aging benefits.

    In Your 20s And 30s For Preventative Measures

    It's always early enough to start taking collagen supplements. Collagen supplements taken in one's twenties and thirties can mitigate the body's normal collagen depletion.

    As you age, your body produces less and less collagen each year, leading to physical effects such as fine lines, wrinkles, skin dehydration, and joint wear and tear.

    Not only does collage support a youthful appearance, but it also supports hair and nail health due to its rich source of amino acids.

    In Your 40s And Beyond For Anti-aging Effects

    As you enter your 40s, your body's collagen levels decline more rapidly. 

    This means that taking collagen supplements can be even more beneficial for anti-aging effects.

    In addition to these cosmetic benefits, increasing your collagen intake can improve joint health by reducing pain and wear and tear on joints. 

    Collagen supplements have also been shown to benefit hair health by improving shine, thickness and preventing thinning or loss.

    Health Conditions That Affect Collagen Production

    Collagen levels can drop because of health problems that hinder the body's ability to make the protein. (4)

    These include:

    1. Autoimmune disorders - conditions such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis can reduce collagen production due to the immune system attacking healthy tissues.
    2. Genetic disorders - certain genetic conditions, such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, can cause collagen synthesis abnormalities and weaken connective tissues.
    3. Diabetes - high blood sugar levels can damage collagen fibers and impair their ability to function correctly.
    4. Vitamin C deficiency - Collagen synthesis relies on this vitamin, and a lack of it can reduce collagen levels in the body.
    5. Sun exposure - excessive sun exposure can break down collagen fibers and accelerate their degradation, causing visible signs of aging to appear earlier than normal.
    6. Smoking reduces blood flow and oxygen levels in the skin, leading to decreased collagen production and accelerated aging signs.

    By addressing these underlying health conditions, you can improve your body's natural production of collagen or supplement. 

    Natural Ways To Take Care Of Collagen

    Taking care of your collagen levels can sometimes require supplements. (5)

    Here are some natural ways to boost your body's collagen production:

    • Eat foods high in collagen-stimulating nutrients, including vitamin C, copper, and zinc, into your daily routine. Options such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, red bell peppers, nuts, and seafood are all fantastic.
    • Consume bone broth or gelatin regularly to boost collagen production. Bone broth is an excellent source of collagen-boosting amino acids.
    • Avoid excessive sun exposure, which can damage collagen fibers in the skin and cause premature signs of aging.
    • Quit smoking! Smoking has been shown to decrease collagen levels in the body and lead to wrinkles and skin sagging.

    Boosting your collagen levels naturally is easy with just a few lifestyle changes. Following these guidelines will improve your skin, hair, and joint health, as well as your general well-being.

    Conclusion: Start Your Collagen Journey Today For A Healthier Future

    Whether you're in your 20s and looking for preventative measures or in your 40s and beyond seeking anti-aging effects, incorporating collagen into your daily routine can have numerous benefits.

    From improving skin appearance and texture to promoting joint health, collagen supplements can help support natural collagen production while providing essential nutrients like vitamin C.


    At what age should I start considering collagen supplements?

    Collagen production naturally decreases with age, so it is recommended to start considering collagen supplements in your mid-twenties to prevent signs of aging and support overall skin health.

    What are the benefits of taking collagen supplements?

    Collagen supplements can improve skin elasticity, reduce joint pain, promote healthy hair growth, boost muscle mass, and even aid digestive function.

    Can't I get enough collagen from my diet alone?

    While certain foods contain some collagen (such as bone broth or animal products), most people need to consume more to reap the full benefits. Also, the body's ability to produce collagen declines with age making supplementation necessary.

    Are all collagen supplements created equal?

    Choosing a reputable brand that uses high-quality sources for their collagen, such as grass-fed cows or sustainably harvested fish, is essential rather than low-quality chicken byproducts with poor bioavailability. Before purchasing a supplement, it is important to do some research online and to talk to a doctor if you have any health issues or concerns about how it might interact with other drugs or special diets.

    Related Studies
    1. A study from Harvard Edu claims that collagen production starts decreasing as early as our 20s and continues to decline throughout our lives. Starting in early adulthood, the body loses about 1% of its collagen yearly.
    2. A study from Harvard Edu claims that smoking restricts blood flow to the skin's surface, depriving it of essential nutrients for optimal cell regeneration and renewal. As for alcohol intake, overindulging can lead to dehydration which negatively affects skin hydration levels - leaving your complexion dull and more prone to fine lines or wrinkle.
    3. A study from Harvard Edu claims that in your 20s and 30s, taking collagen supplements can be a preventative measure to support the body's natural collagen production. In your 40s and beyond, it can help reduce the physical effects of decreased collagen on your body for anti-aging benefits.
    4. A study from Harvard Edu claims that collagen levels can drop because of health problems that hinder the body's ability to make the protein. These include autoimmune disorders, genetic disorders, diabetes, vitamin C deficiency, sun exposure, and smoking.
    5. A study from Harvard Edu claims that taking care of your collagen levels can sometimes require supplements.

    Marine Collagen vs Bovine Collagen: Which is the Better?


    In collagen supplements, two powerhouses reign supreme: marine and bovine collagen. Each boasting unique benefits – from skin health to joint support – these proteins have taken the wellness industry by storm.

    But which is truly better for you? As a savvy consumer seeking optimal health, you're asking yourself this question. 

    Fear not! This blog post will delve into the differences between marine and bovine collagen, weighing their pros and cons to help you decide which type suits your needs best.

    Let's dive in and discover if one of these popular proteins can be crowned victorious in the battle of marine vs.

    Key Takeaways

    • Marine collagen is sourced from fish and has smaller peptide sizes, making it easier for the body to absorb. It benefits skin health, while bovine collagen is better suited for joint support due to its high concentration of type II collagen. (1)
    • Both marine and bovine collagen can improve gut health by improving digestion and reducing inflammation. They also promote healthy bone growth and density, making them ideal supplements for those at risk of osteoporosis.
    • While both types of collagen contain similar amino acids, marine collagen tends to be more expensive. Still, it offers superior quality in terms of purity compared to bovine or porcine options, which are commonly used instead.
    • Ultimately, the choice between marine and bovine collagen comes down to individual needs and preferences when considering flavor preference or the availability in different forms like capsules versus powders.

    Understanding The Differences Between Marine Collagen And Bovine Collagen

    Marine collagen is derived from fish scales and skin, while bovine collagen comes from cow hides and bones.

    What Is Marine Collagen

    Marine collagen is a powerhouse protein derived from the skin and scales of fish, usually found in cold-water species such as cod and salmon.

    Containing primarily type 1 collagen, marine collagen boasts an array of benefits for your skin, hair, nails, joints, and overall health.

    Its smaller peptide size sets marine collagen apart from other types, resulting in enhanced bioavailability – your body can absorb it more efficiently! (2)

    Opting for this aquatic wonder also poses minimal risk of exposure to hormones or antibiotics common in land-based sources.

    What Is Bovine Collagen

    Bovine collagen, derived from cows, is a protein-rich supplement obtained primarily from the hides and bones of grass-fed cattle. This type of collagen has gained popularity due to its abundance in types I and III collagen, essential building blocks for healthy skin, bones, tendons, and connective tissues.

    Compared to marine collagen extracted from fish sources, bovine collagen contains higher amounts of type II collagen

    Type II significantly promotes joint health by supporting cartilage structure and alleviating joint discomfort caused by inflammation or wear-and-tear arthritis.

    Sources And Processing Methods

    Diving into marine and bovine collagen sources and processing methods can help us better understand their differences. 

    As you may have guessed, Marine collagen is derived from the skin and scales of wild-caught fish such as cod, salmon, or tilapia.

    This type of collagen is recognized as more sustainable than land-derived options like bovine collagen.

    The process used to extract these collagens varies for each source. For marine-based supplies, enzymatic extraction is often utilized; this method involves using enzymes to break down proteins in the fish skin/scales so that the precious nutrient-rich collagen can be harvested with minimal damage to its structure.

    Acid extraction techniques are also employed to obtain soluble protein forms from marine animals and cattle hides.

    It's interesting to note how different production methods catered to specific sources allow us access to premium-quality supplements while minimizing negative impacts on our environment by sustainably harnessing resources nature has provided us with!

    Bioavailability And Nutritional Content

    One significant factor in comparing marine and bovine collagen is their bioavailability and nutritional content. The table below shows a side-by-side comparison of the essential aspects of these two types of collagen:

    Marine Collagen
    Bovine Collagen
    Higher due to smaller particles and a high absorption rate

    Lower than marine collagen

    Amino Acid Content
    Rich in glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline


    Rich in glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline

    Collagen Peptide
    Bioavailability Pivotal for the effects on the articular level

    Pivotal for the effects on the articular level

    Protein Content
    Approximately 90% protein content

    Approximately 98% protein content

    Structural Strength
    Less mechanical Strength

    Better mechanical Strength due to crosslinking

    The table demonstrates that marine collagen has higher bioavailability owing to its smaller particles and quicker absorption rate. 

    However, bovine collagen has better mechanical Strength due to its crosslinked structure. The bioavailability of amino acids and peptides from hydrolyzed collagens is crucial in explaining the effects of the product at the articular level.

    Taste And Odor

    Marine collagen and bovine collagen differ in taste and odor. Marine collagen supplements may have a fishy taste and odor, which can be off-putting for some people.

    On the other hand, bovine collagen supplements do not have any particular taste or odor, making them easier to consume.

    When choosing between marine and bovine collagen, keeping your taste preferences in mind is essential.

    However, it's worth noting that some brands of marine collagen take extra steps to minimize their fishy flavor and smell. For example, they may use only high-quality fish sources or add natural flavorings like lemon or vanilla extract to mask the scent.

    Benefits Of Marine Collagen Vs. Bovine Collagen

    Marine collagen is particularly effective for promoting skin health, while bovine collagen is more suited to supporting joint and bone health due to its high concentration of type II collagen.

    Skin Health

    Marine collagen is known for its excellent benefits in improving skin health. It helps to enhance the skin's elasticity and hydration, resulting in a younger-looking appearance.

    On the other hand, bovine collagen can also improve skin health by reducing wrinkles and fine lines. Still, it may not be as effective as marine collagen due to its lower bioavailability.

    Marine collagen contains type I collagen, which makes up 90% of our skin cells, while bovine collagen contains both types I and III collagen, which is helpful for different parts of our bodies.

    Joint Health

    Collagen is essential for cartilage and joint health, making it a vital supplement for those with joint problems. 

    Both marine and bovine collagen supplements effectively improve joint health, but each has unique properties that make them ideal for specific needs.

    Bovine collagen contains type I and III collagen, which promotes ligaments and tendons' elasticity while maintaining healthy bones.

    Whether you take marine or bovine collagen supplements for your joints, ensure they contain high-quality hydrolyzed peptides, which are more easily absorbed into your body.

    Regularly consuming high-quality collagen peptides can significantly improve your joints' quality by reducing inflammation and promoting tissue growth.

    Gut Health

    Maintaining gut health is essential for overall wellness, and collagen supplements can help. Both marine and bovine collagen can improve gut health by improving digestion, reducing inflammation, and supporting the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut.

    Regular intake of high-quality collagen supplements can also reduce symptoms associated with digestive disorders like leaky gut syndrome and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

    Collagen helps rebuild the intestinal walls making them impervious to harmful toxins that may cause inflammation or immune responses.

    Bone Health

    Collagen is vital in maintaining bone health; marine and bovine collagen can be beneficial. Collagen provides structure to bones, helping them to maintain their shape and Strength.

    As we age, our bodies produce less collagen, leading to a loss of bone density and an increased risk of fractures.

    Research has shown that marine and bovine collagen supplements can improve bone density in postmenopausal women at higher risk for osteoporosis. 

    Marine collagen may have an edge over bovine collagen when it comes to absorption rates, but both forms of collagen have been shown to offer benefits for improving bone health.

    Hair And Nail Health

    Marine collagen is an excellent supplement for improving hair and nail health. Collagen makes up the building blocks of our nails and hair, providing Strength and structure to these fragile parts of our body.

    Studies have shown that taking marine collagen regularly can help improve your hair's thickness, volume, and overall health. 

    In addition, it can also help prevent nail breakage, splitting, or cracking by strengthening them from within.

    Bovine collagen also benefits hair and nail health, but marine collagen seems slightly more effective due to its higher bioavailability.

    Marine Collagen vs. Bovine Collagen: Which Is Better?

    After understanding the differences and benefits of marine and bovine collagen, you may wonder which is better. The truth is, there needs to be a clear winner.

    It comes down to personal preferences and individual needs.

    Marine collagen may be your best bet if you're looking for a pure form of collagen with high bioavailability.

    Ultimately, choosing a quality product from a trusted source that fits your lifestyle and meets your specific goals is essential.

    Remember that consistency is vital when taking any supplement – so whichever type of collagen you choose to take regularly will likely show results over time in improving overall well-being!

    Conclusion: Which Collagen Is Right For You?

    Now that you know the differences and benefits between marine and bovine collagen, it's time to decide which is right for you. If you want to improve your skin health, go for marine collagen.

    Bovine collagen is the way to go to boost your joint Strength. However, both types provide similar benefits for gut and bone health and hair growth.

    Ultimately, whichever type of collagen supplement you choose should depend on your needs and preferences. Check out our Wild Collagen now!


    1. What is the difference between marine collagen and bovine collagen?

    Marine collagen is extracted from fish, while bovine collagen comes from cows. They differ in amino acid composition, molecular weight, and absorption rate.

    2. Which one has a better absorption rate: marine or bovine collagen?

    Marine collagen has a smaller molecular size than bovine collagen, making it easier for the body to absorb and utilize. Marine collagen may be more effective in delivering its benefits than bovine collagen.

    3. What are the benefits of using marine collagen?

    Marine Collagen contains Type 1 Collagen, which supports hair, skin, and nail health; Promotes joint health by increasing mobility & flexibility; Aids in muscle recovery & bone strength as well as helps support gut health.

    4. Is there any risk associated with taking either college supplement?

    Suppose you have pre-existing allergies or medical conditions that could interfere with ingesting certain ingredients. In that case, we recommend consulting your doctor before deciding on new supplements or medications. Additionally, some people might get allergic reactions when ingesting either type of collagens, so they should avoid it if they experience such symptoms.

    How to Get Natural Collagen (13 Best Natural Collagen Sources)


    Do you want to improve your skin's elasticity, support healthy joints and boost your body's natural collagen production? 

    Look no further than the 13 best sources of natural collagen. These foods can deliver all the protein you need in a way easily absorbed by your body. 

    From bone broth to berries and everything in between, this article will provide recipes to incorporate these foods into your diet for optimal collagen levels. Get ready to see a radiant difference in your skin and overall health!

    Key Takeaways

    • Natural collagen is crucial for maintaining skin, bone, tendon, and ligament health.
    • Bone broth, seafood, leafy greens, berries, and citrus fruits are some of the best natural sources of collagen due to their high protein content and nutrient profile.
    • Consuming these foods regularly can boost your body's natural collagen production for improved skin elasticity and joint function.
    • Incorporating vitamin C-rich options such as bell peppers or broccoli can enhance absorption, while supplements derived from grass-fed or sustainably sourced animals/plants must be high-quality.

    Why Is Natural Collagen Important?

    Natural collagen plays a crucial role in maintaining the health and appearance of our skin, bones, tendons, and ligaments. 

    As one of the primary building blocks of these structures, collagen provides elasticity, strength, and suppleness to our skin while aiding in joint flexibility.

    However, as we age or experience life's stressors like pollution or UV exposure from the sun-rays, our body's natural collagen production declines.

    Opting for natural sources of collagen through diet helps maintain optimal levels and ensures better absorption by our bodies compared to supplements. 

    For instance, consuming bone broth - rich in gelatinous proteins and essential nutrients - has been shown to improve joint health significantly compared to protein powders alone.

    Moreover, incorporating vitamin C-rich foods like citrus fruits into your diet stimulates your body's inherent ability to produce more collagen naturally.

    Natural Collagen Vs. Supplements

    Many people are torn between natural collagen sources and taking supplements for youthful, glowing skin and a healthy body.

    Natural collagen can be obtained through protein-rich foods like bone broth, seafood, eggs, citrus fruits, leafy greens, nuts, and seeds – to mention a few.

    On the other hand, collagen supplements have become popular because they offer a quick fix for those seeking an instant boost in their collagen levels. 

    However, it is essential to note that not all supplements are created equal.

    Quality matters when choosing a supplement; look for ones derived from grass-fed or sustainably sourced animals or plants with minimal additives or processing involved.

    While these supplements may show results faster than dietary changes alone can achieve—especially for individuals who find it challenging to maintain balanced diets—they should be used as complements rather than replacements since vital nutrients found in natural foods help maximize collagen production within your body's system more effectively.

    13 Best Sources Of Natural Collagen

    From succulent seafood treasures to vibrant fruits and vegetables bursting with vitamins, these culinary wonders are a feast for your taste buds and an elixir for your skin.

    Bone Broth

    Bone broth stands out as a superstar in natural collagen sources, making it a must-have staple for anyone seeking the benefits of increased collagen production.

    Simmering bones and connective tissues make this nutritious elixir from animals like chickens, cows, or fish for an extended period.

    Bone broth provides your body with essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals. It delivers a rich supply of bioavailable collagen protein that can help boost skin health, joint function, and overall wellness.

    Have you considered trying different flavors for those looking to get creative in their quest for natural collagen intake? Incorporating various herbs and vegetables into your homemade bone broth will enhance its taste and add nutritional value.

    Remember beef bone broth - this power-packed source ranks among the best in providing ample amounts of precious collagen to support your body's needs.


    Seafood is a fantastic natural source of collagen that contributes to improved overall health and radiant skin. Rich in essential nutrients, options like clams, oysters, scallops, and shrimp are powerful for collagen content.

    Aim for regular consumption alongside a balanced diet featuring various whole foods like fruits and vegetables to reap the benefits of seafood's collagen-boosting properties.

    Leafy Greens

    Leafy greens such as spinach, kale, Swiss chard, and salad greens are fantastic sources of natural collagen. These veggies are rich in vitamin C and chlorophyll which help stimulate collagen production.

    Vitamin C is an antioxidant that protects the skin from aging caused by free radicals, while chlorophyll helps detoxify the body by removing toxins that can harm our skin health.

    The dark green leaves of spinach, kale, and Swiss chard can also increase the precursor to collagen in the skin. 


    Berries are a fantastic source of natural collagen. They are rich in vitamin C, which is essential for collagen production.

    Collagen is a protein that promotes skin elasticity, firmness, and hydration.

    Increasing your berry intake with other foods promoting collagen production can benefit overall health and youthful-looking skin.

    Bell peppers and broccoli are also good sources of vitamins A and C which aid in promoting connective tissue growth necessary for collagen formation.


    Citrus Fruits

    Citrus fruits like lemons, limes, oranges, and grapefruits contain vitamin C and antioxidants crucial to collagen production. Vitamin C promotes the linking of amino acids needed for collagen synthesis.

    This makes citrus fruits an excellent addition to your diet to boost your collagen levels naturally.

    To add citrus fruits into your collagen-boosting diet, consider adding slices of lemon or lime to your water or tea, use orange zest in baking recipes or salads, or enjoy a fresh grapefruit for breakfast.

    Egg Whites

    Egg whites are a fantastic source of proline, one of the essential amino acids needed to synthesize collagen. 

    Although they do not directly contain collagen, egg yolks have three other compounds crucial for collagen production and health: lysine, zinc, and lecithin.

    There are many ways to incorporate egg whites into your diet - from whipping them up in omelets to using them as a base for healthy breakfast muffins. 

    A simple way is to add egg white powder to your smoothies or morning coffee! Make sure to complete the yolk, too - try adding it to homemade mayo or salad dressings.

    Nuts & seeds

    Nuts and seeds are an excellent source of natural collagen, containing plenty of zinc and copper, which promote collagen production in our bodies. Some great examples to include in your diet are pumpkin seeds and cashews, which have high levels of these essential minerals.

    So next time you're looking for a quick snack or want to add texture to your meals, consider reaching for a handful of nuts or seeds.


    This creamy fruit is packed with healthy fats, antioxidants, and vitamins, making it a great addition to any diet.

    Regarding collagen production, avocados contain high levels of vitamin E, which helps support healthy skin and stimulate collagen synthesis.

    Additionally, the fatty acids found in avocados help nourish connective tissue such as tendons and ligaments. 

    One delicious way to incorporate avocados into your diet for their collagen-boosting benefits is by making a salmon and avocado salad or adding fruit slices to your morning smoothie.


    Tomatoes are a delicious addition to meals and contain an antioxidant called lycopene linked to anti-inflammatory properties.

    Lycopene helps protect the skin from UV damage and boosts collagen production in the body. Tomatoes can easily be added to salads or sandwiches for a healthy dose of collagen-boosting properties.

    Additionally, tomatoes can be used in homemade face masks for all skin types to benefit from their collagen-boosting benefits.


    Garlic is a powerful source of collagen-boosting compounds. It contains approximately 33 different sulfur compounds that play a crucial role in synthesizing collagen in our body.

    Sulfur found in garlic helps stimulate natural collagen production and fights against oxidative stress that can lead to collagen breakdown.

    Eating garlic regularly as part of a well-balanced diet can help prevent skin, hair, and joint damage by promoting natural collagen production. 

    Not only is garlic delicious, but it's also an essential ingredient that delivers numerous health benefits, including boosting your body's natural ability to produce collagen.


    Beans are an excellent source of protein and provide the essential amino acids necessary for collagen synthesis. While they may not contain collagen directly, their genistein content promotes collagen production, aiding in youthful revitalization.

    Beans also contain compounds that encourage collagen production, which are hard to find from other sources. 

    They're packed with antioxidants and minerals such as zinc and copper, making them an excellent option for boosting their body's natural collagen production.

    Dark Chocolate

    Dark chocolate is a delicious and satisfying way to boost your natural collagen production. The polyphenols in cocoa have been linked to dietary consumption and collagen synthesis, making dark chocolate an ideal treat for those looking to improve their skin health.

    In addition, dark chocolate may help increase blood flow and circulation in the skin, supporting collagen production over time. 

    For added convenience, you can even purchase chocolate collagen peptides that provide both the benefits of collagen and the taste of dark chocolate in one easy supplement.


    Turmeric is a spice used for centuries in traditional medicine and cuisine. It contains curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory properties that can help produce collagen.

    By reducing inflammation, turmeric can improve the health of your skin and prevent wrinkles. You can add turmeric to your diet by making golden milk or adding it to soups and stews.

    In addition to its collagen-boosting benefits, turmeric also offers other health benefits, such as improved brain function and reduced risk of heart disease.

    Including this spice in your diet regularly can support an overall healthy lifestyle.

    Delicious Recipes To Boost Your Collagen Intake

    This section will provide five delicious recipes to help increase your collagen intake.

    Collagen-Rich bone broth soup

    One of the best sources of natural collagen is bone broth soup, made by simmering bones and connective tissues for several hours. This process extracts collagen from the bones, making it readily available for consumption.

    Bone broth soup is highly collagenous and contains other nutrients that support overall health, such as calcium, magnesium, and amino acids. 

    It's an easy and delicious way to boost your collagen intake; plenty of tasty recipes are available to suit different tastes and dietary requirements.

    Salmon & avocado collagen salad

    Salmon and avocado are fantastic sources of collagen-boosting nutrients, making them the perfect combination for a delicious and healthy salad. Salmon is rich in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, copper, and zinc - all crucial components in collagen production.

    Avocado is an excellent source of vitamin E, which protects against collagen breakdown and supports skin health.

    To make this tasty salad, grill or bake your salmon fillet until cooked. Then, slice up some ripe avocado and arrange it atop a bed of fresh mixed greens. Add in some cherry tomatoes for extra flavor and color contrast.

    Berry & nut collagen smoothie bowl

    This tasty recipe combines some of the best sources of natural collagen, including berries, nuts, and coconut Bliss.

    Berries contain antioxidants that help promote collagen production, while nuts such as almonds provide essential fatty acids that support healthy skin.

    Adding foods like berries and nuts into your diet and other natural sources of collagen can significantly benefit your overall health and well-being.

    By regularly consuming these foods, you may notice improvements in your skin's elasticity and tone while also supporting your body's connective tissues and immune system.

    Citrus fruit & collagen salad

    Enjoying a citrus fruit and collagen salad is one delicious way to get your daily dose of natural collagen. 

    Citrus fruits, like oranges and grapefruits, are rich in vitamin C, which helps boost collagen production in the body.

    Also, leafy greens like spinach and kale are excellent sources of collagen-boosting nutrients. 

    Toss together some mixed greens with segments of your favorite citrus fruit, toasted almonds or walnuts for added crunch, crumbled feta cheese for protein, and a drizzle of olive oil for a refreshing and nutritious meal that will promote healthy skin and joints.

    Collagen-Boosting chicken with garlic & turmeric

    Chicken skin contains high levels of collagen, which helps improve digestion, immunity, and skin health.

    Garlic is packed with antioxidants that stimulate collagen production, while turmeric reduces inflammation, giving you an added anti-aging benefit.

    Cooking bone-in chicken thighs or breasts on low heat for an extended period can help break down the collagen fibers in the meat, making it more bioavailable for your body to absorb.

    Adding spices like cumin or paprika can enhance flavor and increase nutrient intake.

    Tips for Adding Collagen to Your Diet

    Here are bonus tips on how to get more collagen in your diet.

    Add collagen powder to your coffee or smoothie

    Collagen powder dissolves easily in hot and cold liquids, making it the perfect addition to your morning cup of joe or breakfast smoothie.

    It adds a protein boost and collagen's amino acids provide soothing properties that aid digestion. 

    Mix the powder into your drink using a blender bottle or shaker cup for an on-the-go option.

    Use collagen-rich ingredients in baking recipes

    Collagen powder can easily be mixed with flour, sugar, or other dry ingredients to enhance the nutritional content of baked goods like muffins, cookies, and bread.

    Not only does adding collagen to baked goods increase their nutritional value, but it also makes them more filling due to collagen's satiating properties. 

    Additionally, using whole-food ingredients like almond flour or coconut oil with collagen will yield even more significant health benefits.

    Choose foods high in vitamin C to enhance collagen absorption

    Vitamin C plays a vital role in collagen production, helping to build and repair connective tissues throughout the body.

    Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, and lemons are excellent sources of vitamin C, but other fruits like kiwi, papaya, and strawberries also pack a punch. Vegetables like broccoli, bell peppers, and Brussels sprouts are also high in vitamin C.

    You can easily add these foods into your daily meals by adding slices of citrus fruit to your water or salads or by snacking raw veggies with hummus or guacamole for added health benefits.

    Consider supplements to boost your collagen intake

    Supplements can be a great option if you're looking for an extra boost in collagen intake. 

    Collagen supplements, including capsules, pills, and tablets, come in various forms and are often made from animal sources like fish or chicken.

    They contain high concentrations of collagen peptides that our bodies can easily absorb and use to produce new collagen.

    While it's always best to get nutrients from whole foods, a supplement can help provide an extra dose of collagen to support your body's natural production process.

    Strengthen your joints and muscles with Wild Foods Co. Collagen Peptides Powder! Order now and feel the difference!


    Regularly consuming these foods can help enhance your body's collagen production and improve your overall health.

    Remember to add vitamin C-rich options to aid absorption, and consider adding supplements for an extra boost. 

    With this knowledge, you can naturally support your skin, joints, and physique with wholesome organic foods.


    What is collagen, and why is it essential for our bodies?

    Collagen is a vital protein that supports the health of our skin, bones, tendons, ligaments, and other connective tissues. As we age, our natural collagen production decreases, making it crucial to supplement this nutrient through our diet or other means.

    What are some of the best sources of natural collagen that can be incorporated into everyday meals?

    The best sources of natural collagen include bone broth, chicken, fish, egg whites, citrus fruits, and berries. Plant-based sources such as avocados, bananas, beans, cantaloupe, figs, kiwi, mushrooms, nuts, and olives also contribute to collagen production.

    Can you provide any recipes that incorporate these sources of natural collagen into tasty dishes?

    Absolutely! Recipes like Slow-Cooked Beef Bone Broth, Grilled Salmon with Lemon & Dill, Chicken Stir Fry with Kale & Chia Seeds, and Spinach Salad with Roasted Pork Tenderloin are excellent choices for incorporating more natural collagen sources into your daily meals.

    Are there any supplements available that can help boost collagen production beyond what we may be able to get from food alone?

    Yes, many supplements are available that aim to support optimal collagen levels. These include hydrolyzed collagen peptides, hyaluronic acid, and probiotics. Marine-derived hydrolyzed powders or capsules are popular due to their high absorption rates. Vegetarian capsules containing synthetic compounds capable of increasing collagen levels artificially are also available.

    What factors can cause a decrease in collagen production?

    Age is a significant factor in the decline of natural collagen production. However, environmental factors like smoking, high sugar intake, UV exposure, and underlying medical conditions like autoimmune diseases can also contribute to inhibited protein synthesis over time.

    Does Collagen Make You Gain Weight?


    Are you puzzled about the connection between collagen and weight gain? You're not alone. The buzz around collagen and its potential effects on our weight has left many health enthusiasts in a quandary.

    In this blog post, we're going to tackle the burning question: does collagen cause weight gain? We'll debunk common misconceptions about collagen and delve into the science behind it, providing you with the clarity you've been seeking.

    So, let's get started and unravel the mystery of collagen and its role in weight management.

    Key Takeaways

    • Consuming a moderate amount of collagen supplements does not cause weight gain. It can support weight loss with a healthy diet and exercise routine.
    • It's essential to be mindful of the calorie content in your collagen supplement and read ingredient labels carefully.
    • Collagen may aid in a healthy weight-loss journey by supporting metabolism and improving bone density, skin elasticity, and joint mobility.
    • For most healthy individuals taking high-quality collagen supplements in moderation alongside a balanced diet and exercise routine will not result in significant weight gain. 

    Does Collagen Make You Gain Weight?

    Collagen supplements do not cause weight gain; they can support weight loss combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

    Debunking the myths about collagen & weight gain

    Many people have fallen prey to the misconception that adding more collagen to their diet can lead to packing on extra pounds.

    One reason for this misunderstanding may be that collagen is often perceived as protein-heavy, leading people to assume it could play a role in muscle growth (and thus possibly causing weight gain).

    However, while true that collagen contains amino acids essential for various bodily functions, most studies show little evidence supporting its use as an effective workout supplement for building muscle mass like whey or creatine.

    Rest assured, adding a moderate amount of high-quality collagen supplements into your daily routine won't cause you to balloon up suddenly.

    These powerful proteins provide numerous health benefits, such as promoting youthful skin appearance and improving joint functionality and flexibility while supporting bone health.

    Analyzing the calorie content of collagen supplements

    Here's a breakdown of the average calorie content in popular collagen supplements:

    Collagen Supplement Calories per Serving
    Unflavored Collagen Peptides 35 - 50 calories
    Flavored Collagen Peptides 50 - 80 calories
    Collagen Pills 5 - 25 calories
    Collagen Gummies 40 - 90 calories
    Collagen Drink Mixes 50 - 100 calories


    As you can see, collagen supplements do not contain many calories, making them unlikely to contribute to weight gain. 

    However, be mindful of collagen supplements with added sugar, as these may increase the likelihood of weight gain.

    Scientific studies on collagen & weight gain

    Numerous studies have suggested that collagen supplements do not directly lead to weight gain.

    For instance, an eight-week study compared participants taking collagen supplements versus those ingesting whey protein. 

    The results showed that individuals on a collagen regimen experienced more significant weight gain than their whey protein counterparts – but there's a catch!

    This increase in weight was linked to denser bones due to restored bone density rather than fat accumulation or bloating.

    Factors that Affect Weight Gain while Taking Collagen

    Overconsumption of collagen supplements can lead to weight gain, as they often contain calories that can add up if not accounted for. 

    Additionally, high-calorie ingredients added to the collagen (such as sugar or creamer) can contribute to weight gain.

    Overconsumption of collagen supplements

    Like any supplement or food, too much of a good thing can lead to adverse side effects. It is recommended to follow the serving size instructions on your collagen supplement and avoid consuming excessive amounts. 

    Additionally, some high-calorie ingredients may be added to collagen supplements, so it's essential to read the label carefully before purchasing.

    Addition of high-calorie ingredients to collagen supplements

    If you're trying to watch your weight, you must be mindful of the ingredients added to your collagen supplements. Here are some high-calorie ingredients that can contribute to weight gain:

    • Sugars: Added sugars are often found in flavored collagen supplements, contributing to an increased calorie count.
    • Artificial sweeteners: While low in calories, these sweeteners may disrupt metabolism and lead to overeating, leading to weight gain.
    • Creamers/ Milk Powders: Collagen powders mixed with high-fat creamers or milk powders can also add a significant amount of calories.

    To avoid unwanted weight gain while taking collagen supplements, check the ingredients list for any calorie-dense additives.

    Opt for unflavored collagen powder and mix it with water or a low-calorie beverage instead.

    By making conscious choices about what goes into your collagen supplement, you can control your caloric intake while still enjoying this versatile product's benefits.

    Underlying health conditions

    It's also important to note that certain health conditions can affect weight gain while taking collagen supplements.

    For instance, individuals with a slow metabolism may find it challenging to lose weight even when consuming collagen supplements.

    Moreover, some people may develop allergies or digestive issues from collagen supplements, leading to symptoms like bloating and inflammation.

    In such cases, you should consult your physician before using these supplements.


    Conclusion: Collagen & Weight Gain

    There is no direct relationship between collagen and weight gain. While it's true that collagen supplements are high in protein, they do not cause weight gain alone.

    Collagen can support your weight loss efforts with healthy eating and exercise habits. 

    Factors such as overconsumption or adding high-calorie ingredients to supplements can contribute to weight gain while taking collagen.

    Strengthen your joints and muscles with Wild Foods Co. Collagen Peptides Powder! Order now and feel the difference!


    Can consuming collagen supplements lead to weight gain?

    No, consuming collagen supplements alone will not lead to weight gain. They are low in calories and do not contain any fat or carbs. In fact, some studies suggest that collagen may help promote weight loss by increasing feelings of fullness and reducing appetite.

    Is it safe to consume collagen for long-term weight management goals?

    Yes, collagen is generally considered safe for long-term consumption when taken in recommended doses. However, it's important to note that excessive amounts of collagen supplements may cause digestive issues or interact with certain medications. 

    How does taking Collagen affect metabolism and overall body composition?

    Collagen can support metabolism by promoting muscle growth and reducing body fat levels. However, it doesn't directly burn calories or speed up the metabolic process like other dietary supplements. Instead, it supports overall body composition and may contribute to a healthier metabolic rate.

    Are there any other benefits of taking Collagen besides its impact on weight management?

    In addition to promoting healthy skin, hair, nails, and joint health, collagen can also boost immune system function and reduce inflammation throughout the body. This can be beneficial in managing chronic diseases, including heart disease and cancer.

    Can collagen cause water weight gain?

    No, collagen does not cause water weight gain. In fact, it may support healthy hydration levels in the skin and other tissues.

    Does collagen cause weight loss?

    While collagen itself doesn't directly cause weight loss, it can support weight management efforts by promoting feelings of fullness, supporting muscle mass, and contributing to overall health.

    Related Studies
      1. Most studies show little evidence supporting collagen use as an effective workout supplement for building muscle mass like whey or creatine.
      2. Numerous studies have suggested that collagen supplements do not directly lead to weight gain.
      3. An eight-week study compared participants taking collagen supplements versus those ingesting whey protein.
      4. Artificial sweeteners: While low in calories, these sweeteners may disrupt metabolism and lead to overeating, leading to weight gain.

    Marine Collagen Benefits (Skin, Bones & Overall Health)


    Are you searching for a natural way to boost your skin's elasticity, strengthen your bones, and improve overall health? Look no further than marine collagen!

    Derived from sea-dwelling sources like fish scales, skin, and bones, this powerful protein is making waves in the wellness world.

    In this blog post, we'll dive deeper into understanding marine collagen and its incredible benefits for maintaining a healthier lifestyle.

    Key Takeaways

    • Marine collagen is a powerful protein derived from fish sources that can benefit your skin, bones, and overall health.
    • The top 5 benefits of marine collagen include improved skin health and anti-aging properties, joint pain relief, bone loss prevention and muscle mass boost, heart health promotion, and hair and nail health improvement.
    • Marine collagen may be a better option for you due to its higher absorption rate and sustainable sourcing options with fewer contaminants than other collagen supplements. Vegan options are also available.
    • When choosing marine collagen supplements, look for sustainably sourced high-quality products.

    What is marine collagen & how does it differ from other types of collagen?

    Marine collagen is a unique form of collagen sourced from the skin, bones, scales, fins, and entrails of fish. It's a powerhouse composed primarily of Type I and Type II collagen - two essential types that are vital for our overall health.

    Type I collagen comprises most of our body's connective tissues, such as skin, ligaments, tendons, bones, and cartilage.

    One might ask: How does marine collagen differ from other animal-based collagens like bovine or porcine? The answer lies primarily in the source and size of the peptides involved in them.

    Marine collagen boasts tiny peptide molecules that our bodies absorb more quickly than those found in bovine or porcine sources.

    Not only do you have access to an eco-friendlier alternative with marine collagen supplements, but also fewer contaminants! 

    Fish-based collagens generally contain lower amounts of heavy metals than mammalian sources due to their aquatic environment, which is less exposed to pollution compared with land-living animals' habitats making it safer for consumption.

    Top 5 Benefits of Marine Collagen

    Marine collagen can benefit your skin, bones, and overall health. Here are the top 5 benefits: 

    Improved skin health & anti-aging properties

    Marine collagen benefits are abundant when it comes to skin health, as it is a vital protein that contributes significantly to the strength and elasticity of our skin. 

    By adding marine collagen supplements into your daily routine, you can experience noticeable skin hydration and firmness improvements, leading to a more youthful appearance.

    The secret behind these remarkable anti-aging properties lies in the high amino acid concentration in marine collagen. (1)

    These essential building blocks stimulate your body's natural collagen production, which unfortunately declines with age due to environmental pollutants and sun exposure.

    The increased levels of proline, glycine, and glutamine promote healthy cell regeneration resulting in firmer and smoother-looking skin.


    Joint pain relief

    Joint pain can make even the simplest tasks feel like an uphill battle, but thankfully, marine collagen offers a solution. 

    As one of the many benefits of marine collagen supplements, joint pain relief is attributed to its unique amino acid content that helps reduce inflammation while promoting connective tissue health in tendons and ligaments. (2)

    Don't let sore joints hold you back; adding marine collagen into your daily routine will provide much-needed relief. 

    For example, imagine gracefully gliding through your morning yoga class or enjoying long walks without wincing at every step.

    Bone loss prevention & muscle mass boost

    As we age, our bones lose minerals like calcium and become weaker, leading to conditions like osteoporosis. (3)

    Additionally, marine collagen helps maintain healthy muscles and strong tendons, thus helping boost muscle mass. 

    This mainly benefits athletes or those trying to increase their physical activity levels.

    Heart health promotion

    Collagen can balance blood pressure, improve cholesterol levels, and support the overall health of your cardiovascular system.

    Studies have shown that marine collagen peptides can reduce inflammation in the arteries and lower LDL (bad) cholesterol while increasing HDL (good) cholesterol. (4)

    By adding marine collagen supplements into your daily routine along with a balanced diet and exercise, you can support a healthy heart and maintain optimal cardiac function throughout your lifetime.

    Hair & nail health improvement

    Marine collagen supplementation can do wonders for your hair and nails! Clinical studies have evidenced that taking marine collagen supplements may promote the growth of more robust and healthier hair strands and improve the overall skin appearance, making fine lines disappear.

    Moreover, adding a scoop of high-quality marine collagen peptide powder to your daily routine may increase nail health by reducing brittleness or weak peculiarities.

    With its unique amino acid content - specific organic compounds believed to be responsible for tissue repair and regeneration in our bodies - marine collagen can help maintain healthy connective tissues throughout your body.

    Why Marine Collagen May Be A Better Option For You

    Marine collagen may be a better option for you due to its higher absorption rate, sustainable sourcing, fewer contaminants, and vegan options available.

    Higher absorption rate

    One of the standout advantages of marine collagen is its impressive absorption rate. Thanks to its smaller peptide size, your body can more quickly and efficiently utilize marine collagen than other collagen supplements.

    This means you see faster and more significant benefits from a marine collagen regimen than other options. 

    Studies have shown that the bioavailability of marine collagen peptides (the amount absorbed into your system) is as high as 95% - much higher than other animal-derived sources like pork or beef.

    Sustainable sourcing

    When choosing a collagen supplement, sustainability is an essential factor to consider. 

    Marine collagen is an excellent option as it is sourced from the skins and scales of fish that are typically discarded during processing.

    Additionally, many companies that produce marine collagen prioritize sustainable sourcing methods by working with fisheries and suppliers that follow ethical practices such as responsible fishing techniques and zero-waste policies.

    Fewer contaminants

    Marine life is less exposed to pollutants and heavy metals than land animals, making them cleaner and purer. 

    Additionally, the sourcing methods for marine collagen are more sustainable as fish is usually a byproduct of food manufacturing or fishing industries.

    You can be sure that when you choose high-quality marine collagens sourced sustainably from reputable brands, they will be free from harmful additives such as artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives.

    Vegan options available

    Collagen supplements are available for those looking for a vegan option that can provide similar benefits. These supplements are sourced from algae or other plant-based sources and contain amino acids that stimulate collagen production in the body.

    Vegan collagen supplements help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and support healthy skin, hair, and nails without harming animals or adding animal products to your diet.

    How To Choose And Use Marine Collagen Supplements

    To choose and use marine collagen supplements, look for sustainably sourced and high-quality products, follow recommended dosage guidelines, incorporate them into your daily routine by adding them to smoothies or coffee, and consult a doctor before taking any dietary supplement.

    Look for sustainably sourced & high-quality products

    The best way to ensure that your product is sustainable is by checking if a trusted third-party organization has certified them.

    When buying collagen supplements, check the label carefully to ensure they contain high-quality ingredients with no harmful additives

    Many companies add fillers or synthetic compounds that are cheap but ineffective in supporting your health goals.

    Choosing a sustainably sourced and high-quality supplement like this can help protect our planet while enhancing your overall wellness.

    Follow recommended dosage guidelines

    Each product may have different serving sizes based on the concentration, so carefully read the label and instructions before use.

    For example, too many collagen supplements can cause stomach upset or an unbalanced amino acid intake. 


    Adding marine collagen supplements to your daily routine can significantly impact your skin, bones, and overall health. 

    With its high absorption rate and sustainable sourcing options, marine collagen is a better choice than other collagen types.

    Whether you're looking to reduce joint pain or improve skin elasticity and hair health, marine collagen can help you achieve these goals naturally.

    If you prefer the benefits of bovine sourced collagen. 

    Rejuvenate your skin, hair, and nails with our Wild Collagen Peptides Powder! Give it a try for a natural beauty boost!


    What is marine collagen, and how does it benefit my skin, bones, and overall health?

    Marine collagen is a type of protein derived from fish scales or skin. It's renowned for its ability to improve skin elasticity and hydration, contributing to a more youthful appearance. Additionally, marine collagen supports bone density and reduces joint pain, enhancing overall bone and joint health.

    How do I add marine collagen into my daily routine for optimal health benefits?

    Marine collagen can be easily incorporated into your daily routine. It's available in supplement form, both as pills and powders. The powdered version can be added to smoothies, juices, or other beverages. It's important to follow dosage recommendations on the product and consult a healthcare professional before adding any supplement to your diet.

    Can anyone take marine collagen supplements, or are there certain restrictions?

    Marine collagen supplements are generally safe for most individuals, except those allergic to seafood. However, pregnant or nursing women and those on medications that affect blood clotting should consult their doctor before starting these supplements.

    Is there scientific evidence behind the benefits of using marine collagen for overall health?

    Several studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of marine collagen supplements in improving skin quality and helping with arthritis-related pains and stiffness. However, more research is needed to understand the long-term effects and potential side effects of prolonged use.

    Why is marine collagen considered better than other types of collagen?

    Marine collagen, derived from fish, is often considered superior due to its high bioavailability, meaning it's easily absorbed by the body. It's also rich in Type I collagen, the most abundant collagen type in the human body, which is essential for healthy skin, hair, nails, and bones.

    Are there any side effects of marine collagen?

    Marine collagen is generally well-tolerated, but some people may experience minor side effects like bloating, digestive discomfort, or a bad taste in the mouth. If you're allergic to fish, you should avoid marine collagen.

    Related Studies
      1. The secret behind these remarkable anti-aging properties lies in the high amino acid concentration in marine collagen.
      2. Joint pain relief is attributed to its unique amino acid content that helps reduce inflammation while promoting connective tissue health in tendons and ligaments.
      3. Marine collagen is effective in preventing bone loss and boosting muscle mass.
      4. Studies have shown that marine collagen peptides can reduce inflammation in the arteries and lower LDL (bad) cholesterol while increasing HDL (good) cholesterol.