The Best Lemon for Your Tea

When the weather gets a little cooler and the leaves start to change, you might find yourself craving a hot tea. Lemon-flavored teas are common but can often taste overly sweet or artificial. Instead, try adding lemon slices to your next pot of tea.
Instead of just one type of lemon, we have three recommendations for you: the Eureka, the Lisbon, and Valencia. Each one is great for a different kind of tea! The Eureka lemon is tart and acidic with a strong lemon aroma.
It makes it perfect for drinking and adding to your favorite iced tea (try our recipe below). It’s also great for making homemade lemonade or marmalade because of its high juice and pith content (which means less bitter peel and more juicy pulp).
Eureka Lemons
Eureka lemons are great for your tea, both hot and iced. They’re high in citric acid, making them super tart and flavorful. Their flavor is very bold, so it’s best to use them in a recipe where you don’t want the lemon flavor to be too overpowering.
They’re delicious in baked goods, like scones and muffins, and can even be used in savory dishes like pasta or soups. If you’re drinking your tea hot, you’ll want to cut the lemon into slices and add the whole thing to your tea. For iced tea, you can also slice the lemon and add it to your glass or squeeze the lemon and add the juice.
Lisbon Lemons
Lisbon lemons are sweeter than Eureka lemons but still very acidic, making them an excellent choice for your tea. You can use them in hot and iced teas, which make a great addition to baked goods.
For example, add them to a lemon poppy seed cake for a citrusy twist. If you’re drinking your tea hot, you can slice the lemon and add it directly to the mug. For iced tea, you can squeeze the lemon and add the juice.
Valencia Lemons
Valencia lemons are less acidic than Lisbon lemons but still have a sweet and citrusy flavor. Their sweetness doesn’t add as much flavor to your tea as the other types of lemons, but they make a great garnish.
If you’re drinking your tea hot, you can slice the lemon and add it directly to the mug. For iced tea, you can squeeze the lemon and add the juice.
What is the best type of lemon for tea?
All the lemons on this list are great for your tea, but the best ones depend on your personal preferences and taste. If you like a sour and tart brew, go with a Eureka lemon. If you prefer something a little sweeter, try a Lisbon lemon.
If you like citrus but don’t want Eureka or Lisbon lemon bitterness, go with a Valencia lemon. Remember that the strength of each lemon’s flavor will depend on how ripe the fruit is. The riper the lemon, the sweeter it’ll be, so you may want to go with a Valencia lemon if you’re using unripe lemons.
How to brew your tea with lemons
Once you’ve picked a lemon and sliced it up, you can add it to your tea. Add one lemon slice to your cup for black tea, green tea, or herbal tea. For oolong and pu’erh teas, add two lemon slices.
If you have a teapot, add all the lemon wedges to the teapot and then pour the tea into your cup. If you have a single-cup teapot, you can put the lemon in the cup and then pour the hot water into it.
You can also make your tea with lemon water. To do this, bring water to a boil, slice your lemon, and add the slices. Let the water and lemon boil for a few minutes and then add your tea leaves or bags and let them brew for the recommended amount of time.
~~ Dry-roasted Lemongrass Tea Leaves ~~
If you love the citrusy flavor of lemons but don’t want to add the extra sugar and calories of lemon, try adding dry-roasted lemon grass to your tea. Lemon grass is native to Southeast Asia with a strong citrus flavor. It’s often added to Thai and Vietnamese dishes and can also be used to flavor tea and water.
You can buy dry-roasted lemon grass in many tea shops or online, and it makes a great addition to any tea, not just lemon-flavored teas. When adding lemon grass to your tea, use only one piece per person. You can slice it lengthwise and add it to your pot as you brew your tea, or you can add the whole piece to your cup after you’ve added the tea leaves.
If you add the entire article to your cup, discard the fragments before finishing your tea.
~~ Iced Mint Chai Tea ~~
Chai is a spiced black tea popular in many cultures, including the Indian culture from which the name originates. If you’re a fan of the classic chai tea flavors of cardamom, cinnamon, and black pepper, try adding some fresh mint to your next batch.
Mint is an excellent choice for chai because it has a similar flavor to black pepper and is an excellent source of antioxidants. You can buy fresh mint at most grocery stores during the summer or use dried mint year-round.
If you’re adding fresh mint to your chai, you can add a few leaves to the pot while brewing the tea or add the leaves to your cup after you’ve added the tea. If you’re using dried mint, you’ll want to use about 10-15 leaves per cup of tea. You can also try mixing in lemon zest for an extra citrusy twist.
~~ Black Tea With Lemon and Gingerbread Syrup ~~
If you’re a gingerbread fan craving holiday-themed tea, try adding gingerbread syrup to your next pot of black tea. You can find gingerbread syrup at many grocery stores during Christmas, making it a great addition to your tea.
You can also add lemon to your tea to add some citrus flavor. If you’re adding lemon or gingerbread syrup to your tea, add it when it has been brewing for about one minute so it doesn’t overpower the taste. Bonus points if you add some whipped cream as well.
You can also make your gingerbread syrup if you don’t want to buy it at the store. Gingerbread syrup combines ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, and brown sugar.
You can make it by adding those ingredients to a saucepan with some water and simmering them until the water has evaporated. You can keep the Syrup in a sealed jar in the fridge for up to a month.
So, Is It a Shrub or a Tisane?
A shrub is a drink made from fruit and vinegar that is often sweetened and sometimes served over ice. A tisane is a herbal tea made from herbs, spices, flowers, and fruits. So, the lemon you add to your tea is a type of tisane, but you can also make a shrub with the lemon if you like.
You can use a lemon shrub as a garnish for your tea or add it to water or sparkling water for a refreshing beverage. You can also use the lemon or lemons you added to your tea in a recipe or as part of a DIY project.
You can use them in baked goods like cakes and cookies or make scones and lemonade. You can make lemon sugar or seasoning if you want to try something different.