Buying Better Products Can Change The World

“…the very people who clamor the loudest about animal suffering won’t pay for meat that has been ethically slaughtered.”―John Durant, The Paleo Manifesto: Ancient Wisdom for Lifelong Health
Before you get all heated, know I’m not here to debate any diet stuff. As long as natural food is involved, it’s miles better than the SAD (standard American diet). If you choose not to eat meat, I hope you’ll figure out other ways to get the essential fatty acids and amino acids you need for optimal health (which is hard to do being vegan or vegetarian).
That said, I do have a comment to make on this topic.
Not buying factory meat is a step in the right direction, but it’s not enough. Why? Because if the small family farms that are raising animals humanely can’t support their families, the only options available will be factory meat!
You do more for the food industry and the support of humane farming practices by spending your dollar with the producers doing it right than you do by not buying meat.
Think about it: If consumer spending shifts to better farming practices, the big corporations will take notice, or they will go bankrupt. With enough of this, corporations will have to change their practices.
Your dollar, when used properly, has the power to change the food industry.
Support small farmers and producers by only buying grass-fed beef, cage-free poultry (and eggs), wild-caught fish, non-hormone, and humbly raised pork.
Yes, you will spend a buck or two extra per pound. But that’s negligible when your health and performance are concerned. (If none of this matters to you, please unsubscribe and leave this site immediately.)
Founder/CEO, Wild Foods