How To Talk To People About A Carnivore Diet (or any diet)

Today I share some tips you can use when discussing your carnivore diet with others.

These principles are the same when discussing politics, diet, lifestyle, or other politically charged topics.

I hope you adopt these principles and use them in other areas. They are mighty.


Forge this idea into your brain. Visualize it. It will be your best tool for convincing anyone of anything, including carnivores.

This is psychology 101. And nothing better shows the ugly side of human psychology than talking about diet.

This will disarm people and make them more open. The second you challenge someone directly or try to refute what they say, the more likely they are to clam up. This is psychology 101.

  • Don't tell people they are wrong.
  • Don't try to cite research or facts.
  • Don't try to disprove them.

Fight every urge to do any of this.

Instead, show people you listen to what they have to say.

Nod and remain calm. Pause before you speak rather than cutting them off.

It would help if you made them feel heard. This is first and foremost.

Then pause and use a disclaimer to disarm them.


The first one is, "Can I share my perspective?"

In the diet wars, many people are trying to cite research and use it as ammunition to combat the other side, citing their research.

What ends up happening is both sides dig more into their stance. Nothing changes.

Instead of approaching diet as a fact-based discussion, let's pretend it is a matter of perspectives and opinions.

I'm afraid I have to disagree with this since I believe an ancestral approach to nutrition is a solved matter, but most people won't see it this way, so it makes sense to take this approach.

So you are always sharing your view on a matter, not trying to win an argument by talking your way over someone with big sounded words, facts, or figures. You are trying to share your thoughts on the matter while listening to their thoughts.


Here are a few examples from my experience:

OK, how do you explain that I eliminated all plants from my diet and my back pain went away (to name one benefit)? Then, when I eat certain plants, my gut swells, and my back hurts.

Why are there no essential plants in the plant kingdom? Meaning humans never have to eat plants to live long, healthy lives.

Followup: why are the essential nutrients we need to live, amino acids and fatty acids, only found in the animal kingdom? Some you can't get from plants at all?

These are facts, so bear with me.

This means that if you were to go into the wild now and have zero support from modern food manufacturing or supplements, you would DIE if you didn't eat animals.

Why does the longest-living population in the world, Singapore, eat more meat than anyone else?

On and on the examples go.

When stumped with a question, this is a tricky proposition because people usually get defensive and deflect. They will try to answer your question with another question. So be calm and refocus and restate your query. If you

Finally, the best thing you can do when discussing your diet with someone else is to focus on your benefits.

The show, don't tell, as the saying goes.

And as you get results, they will come to you asking questions. That's when you have them. So make sure you tread lightly and avoid telling people they are wrong.

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