Read 5 Pages A Day

“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them.” ―Joseph Brodsky.

I challenge you to start reading five pages of a book every morning.

It can be the same book or any book; just read five pages of a book after you wake up every morning before you do anything else.

My daily morning routine:

  • Wake up.
  • Brew some Wild Coffee beans via an Aeropress or pour them over.
  • Go to the gym in my building to walk on the treadmill and read.
  • Read and walk for about 30 minutes.
  • Listen to some Tony Robbins courses for 10-15 minutes while walking.
  • Finish with stretching and a few push-ups and sit-ups.

I’ve been following this routine for the last three months. It’s life-changing. I no longer hit an “afternoon slump” or “feel bad” at any point during my days (I think getting rid of Starbucks helped with that).

The morning exercise, the great coffee, and the mental stimulation all converge into the perfect way to start my day.

I’m challenging you to start reading only five pages because starting with only five will lead to more as you build the habit. The best way to build habits is to start small. If you want to fail at anything, commit to a lot.

Start with five pages. Then add more pages. Then add some stretching. Then add five push-ups. Then add ten push-ups. Then add some sit-ups. And on and on and on.

Do you want to start feeling and performing better? Easy: Start a morning routine.

Colin Stuckert

Founder/CEO, Wild Foods

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