The Natural Human Diet? (Yes, There Is One!)

Video transcript below:​​

​​There's a lot of confusion out there. There's a lot of dogma out there. There's a lot of BS.

People profit off your BS in the nutrition, diet, and book industries. Okay, that's why the next diet doesn't eat this. And then the media profits because they make sensational headlines that get you to click, right?

Think about the media's business model. Media's all about getting eyeball views and clicks to pay advertisers or charge advertisers. The more clicks, the better, and the more they make, right?

So when they publish sensationalist headlines, the goal is for social media for people to scroll and click on them over and over again, so they make more money.

Well, they're going to take research, and they're going to warp it. They're going to take the examination, and they're going to sensationalize it. That's part of the problem.

There are a lot of problems that go deeper than that, back into the 60s & 70s when Ancel Keys had his seven heart or Seven Countries study or whatever. He published alarming findings and interpretations of that study based on what he wanted to believe, which led to this whole cholesterol and saturated fat being demonized in our culture.

Here is the gist of all of it. Humans are designed to eat naturally fewer carbs. There are fewer carbs available in nature. That's a truism; that's number one.

You might be able to do better on carbs, but your metabolic machinery is generally designed to be something other than eating carbs. Especially not sugar, especially not like fruit sugar, fructose, and sucrose. Is it not intended to eat that kind of stuff regularly, okay?

If you're an athlete, things may change, but even then, if you are an athlete, you usually do better with fat as your primary fuel source. Okay, so if carbs are low, then what's next?

Well, you got protein. Okay, humans are designed to eat protein. Animal proteins have the complete amino acid profile and omega three profiles out of anything in nature.

You can't get all your omega 3's, EPA, and DPA from plants. Even though someone might say chia seeds are a bunch of omega three, it's ALA. It doesn't have EPA and DPA; it doesn't convert well.

You have to eat animal protein, animals, with ideally fat from a healthy animal. Fatty fish is perfect for you, grass-fed beef; if it was fed its natural diet of grass, it's good for you.

Whereas grain-fed beef, you would want to go lean because you don't want to eat the fat because that's where a lot of toxins are stored, and that's where a lot of the omega 6's are prevalent from the grains that they eat.

You eat animals that eat their natural diet. That's another truism. But the dose of protein is the thing, the amount of protein.

We don't have to eat protein every meal; we don't even have to eat protein every day. And I know many people will call it blasphemy, but this is a reality.

The average success rate of a hunter-gatherer hunting in the wild. We've observed modern-day hunter-gatherers. It's like one in ten. If a group of hunters went out every day, they would get a successful kill, maybe one in ten days.

So what would they do the rest of the time? They would eat something other than protein or berries, twigs, and other parts of their diet.

The other truism of the human diet, not just related to protein, is verifiability. That's why intermittent fasting, which I'll get to next, is a fundamental aspect of the human diet.

We only sometimes had food available. Some days we didn't even try to eat food. We might snack on berries, twigs, or whatever we could find.

Some days, let's say it was winter, and we couldn't find any food, and we ate our store of dried meat or whatever we had. We didn't have refrigeration, we didn't have grocery stores, and we didn't have Instacart. We didn't have Amazon Prime.

In that environment, which our ancestors lived in for hundreds of thousands of years, we would have gone through periods without food, which is why fasting is so good for you. The same applies to protein.

For protein fasting, we wouldn't eat protein every meal. It's just the reality; we wouldn't have done it.

What I like to do is I want to skip protein regularly. You could still eat a lot of protein in one meal; let's say you double up, 20 or 40 grams. Then the next meal, you have just greens, things like that.

And again, guys, the numbers will fluctuate based on you, whatever. But the fundamental truism and the first principles of human biology are what we're trying to figure out. And then, from there, we can build.

So protein is varied; we don't need as much protein as the protein companies and whatever would have you believe. It's beneficial post-workout, and you will eat more protein if you're trying to bulk.

But in general, most people don't need as much protein. You do need quality protein, though, that's another thing, and that's a topic for another day.

We would eat lower carbs in general, sometimes, we would eat more carbs, and sometimes we would eat less, just like the seasons. And then we would eat a moderate to the massive amount of fat.

If we kill a giant buffalo, more calories are stored in the fat than in other body parts. And that fat has so much nutrition in it, which is why biologically, we're rewarded when we find a big fatty piece of meat.

We're psychologically rewarded like this tastes good; we want this more. Because Mother Nature wanted us to eat more of it because it increases our chances of survival, it's all tied together; it's all tied together.

Mother Nature knows more than we do; it's brighter than us. Our biology's more intelligent than the most recent study that said this or that—based on correlation and not causation. Again, the topic for another day.

So let's review. We don't need to eat carbs as much, so generally lower so low carb; maybe you want to do Keto, whatever.

Protein is something we should vary. It's essential and should come from the cleanest source possible, but it should go; sometimes, you shouldn't have it.

And then fat is a staple of the diet. It would help if you were eating fat regularly.

Finally, the last truism, two more truisms. One, fasting is integral to human biology, so I just told you we would only have to eat sometimes.

So the three square meals a day or waking up to eat breakfast is complete utter nonsense. It's a creation of the food industry and the settlement industries. Period. Full stop.

The final and most important is intermittent fasting. Mixing up your meals is integral for the human being. And this is something people don't talk about. They talk about fasting as a new fad or way to lose weight. That's nonsense.

Human beings are designed to fast; if you don't fast, you will have mal adaption. Period. There's no way around it.

Humans are designed, the metabolic machinery in your body, and my body is designed not to eat all the time. To sometimes go all day without food. And sometimes go a day where you eat a huge meal, and then you don't eat anything for another 24 hours, 36 hours, whatever it is.

Or maybe you eat small… A little bit here and there, three to five times a day in one day, because you happen to come across a few berries here, a few berries there, and you eat that. But the bulk calorie meal, the next big meal you'll have, might not come for a few days.

Again, it's hard to quantify these things because it would have been super varied all the time. So what you can do in your life to mimic that is to get on something like that 16/8 fasting protocol, which I follow.

I have an eight-hour feeding window. A lot of times, it's closer to a six-hour feeding window. And then I don't eat any calories until the next day when I break the fast.

And then again, I keep all my meals for the day within six hours, and I do the same thing every day. And then some days I'll try to go for a whole day without eating.

Some days I'll break my fast early. Sometimes I'll break my fast later. Don't be neurotic about it. So again, side break for optimal human nutrition.

These are some of the truisms that I just gave you. We all have to eat. We all should care about our nutrition. Because it determines our performance, health, and how long we will be around to enjoy the success we create.

Hey guys, thanks for watching that video. I got a free offer for you, so go to and get the free e-book, the #drinkyourfat system.

Find out why I drink my fat in the mornings, why I don't eat breakfast, and how I'm using the power of intermittent fasting to stay lean, healthy, fit, control my appetite, and go all day without food if I want to.

So if you're a slave to your food, as most people are. If you've been told you're supposed to eat five, six, or seven meals a day to stoke your metabolism.

I'm going to teach you why that is all nonsense, and I'm going to show you the simplest, most efficient way to control your appetite so that if you want to lose weight, you can eat fewer calories. Or if you want to be healthy in general.

You can balance out your hormones by controlling the times when you eat. And we use the drink your fat in the morning to set our day up for success.

Again, go to and download the free e-book.

Colin Stuckert, 

Founder/CEO, Wild Foods

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