The Top 20 Benefits of Magnesium Citrate

Magnesium citrate consists of elemental magnesium bound with citric acid to markedly enhance magnesium absorption compared to traditional supplements.
Read on to uncover the top 20 wellness advantages this highly bioavailable magnesium formulation has to offer.
Calms Anxiety: By reducing neuroexcitation and lowering stress hormones, magnesium citrate reduces problematic anxiety.
Promotes Restorative Sleep: Activating GABA receptors together with muscle relaxation encourages deeper, more restorative sleep.
Relieves Muscle Cramps and Spasms: Rapid absorption rapidly elevates cellular magnesium to relax cramped, spastic muscles.
Prevents Migraine Headaches: Correcting magnesium deficiency and relaxing blood vessels minimizes migraines for many prone to attacks.
Regulates Digestion: Magnesium citrate effectively draws water into intestines relieving constipation and keeping bowel movements regular.
Eases Depression: Restoring healthy magnesium levels lifts dark moods by normalizing neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine.
Lowers Blood Pressure: Studies show magnesium citrate therapy successfully reduces blood pressure in those with hypertension.
Minimizes PMS Symptoms: Supplementing with magnesium relieves common symptoms like breast tenderness, bloating, cravings, fatigue and irritability.
Reduces Back Pain and Muscle Soreness: Soothing effects on muscles and nerves ease acute back discomfort while speeding workout recovery.
Boosts Bone Density: Magnesium citrate improves calcium and vitamin D absorption essential for building strong bones long-term.
Supports Oral Health: Research shows magnesium deficiency enables gum inflammation and infection that restoring healthy levels reverses.
Increases Energy Levels: Magnesium drives creation of ATP energy within cells, fighting fatigue and physical exhaustion.
Enhances Skin Health: Studies show topical magnesium boosts skin hydration, healing and antioxidant activity for more youthful skin.
Strengthens Heart Rhythm: Adequate magnesium maintains electrical stability within the heart to keep beats rhythm regular.
Wards Off Kidney Stones: Meeting daily magnesium needs makes it far less likely for painful calcium stones to develop in kidneys.
Supports Detoxification: Activating essential detoxification enzymes in the liver and cells requires sufficient magnesium levels.
Treats Restless Leg Syndrome: Studies confirm magnesium citrate therapy successfully reduces uncomfortable restless leg and periodic limb movement disorders.
- Manages Diabetes: Magnesium activates insulin receptors and improves faulty glucose metabolism to better manage diabetes.
In summary, magnesium citrate offers whole body benefits stemming from its substantial absorption advantage allowing you to readily correct insufficiency and reap positive enhancements mentally and physically.