The Top 20 Benefits of Magnesium Taurate

Magnesium taurate consists of the mineral magnesium combined with taurine, an amino acid that boosts magnesium absorption at the cellular level.
This synergistic pairing enables you to readily reap the diverse array of positive effects sufficient magnesium levels confer throughout the body and mind.
Lessens Anxiety: Calming nervous system overactivity and lowering stress hormone surges enables better anxiety management.
Prevents Migraine Headaches: Correcting cellular magnesium deficiency and relaxing blood vessels alleviates migraine attacks.
Regulates Heart Rhythms: Adequate magnesium maintains electrical stability within heart tissues to ensure regular pulse.
Lowers Elevated Blood Pressure: Studies show magnesium taurate supplementation significantly reduces blood pressure in hypertensive adults.
Elevates Mood and Fights Depression: Restoring healthy magnesium levels normalizes mood-influencing neurotransmitters like serotonin.
Reduces Nerve Pain and Discomfort: Magnesium blocks pain pathway signaling while taurine acts as a neural protector to minimize nerve dysfunction.
Promotes Restful Sleep: The synergistic actions relax the body, calm the mind and activate sleep-promoting receptors.
Enhances Cognitive Performance: Rodent studies show magnesium taurate combats declines in memory, learning and concentration abilities.
Boosts Exercise Endurance: Getting enough bioavailable magnesium enhances energy metabolism within muscles during athletic exertion.
Minimizes Muscle Cramping: Rapidly elevating cellular magnesium relaxes muscles prone to painful cramping and spasticity.
Strengthens Bones: Magnesium taurate increases bone density over time by improving calcium and vitamin D absorption.
Alleviates Headaches: Double blind studies confirm magnesium taurate therapy successfully reduces headache frequency.
Regulates Blood Sugar: Magnesium activates insulin receptors to efficiently clear glucose from bloodstream preventing hyperglycemia.
Treats Insulin Resistance: Studies show magnesium supplementation enhances insulin sensitivity in insulin resistant states.
Relieves PMS Symptoms: Correcting cellular magnesium deficiency alleviates irritability, cravings, fluid retention and breast tenderness.
Eases Fibromyalgia Discomfort: Participants supplementing with magnesium taurate report reductions in muscle pain and tenderness associated with fibromyalgia.
- Protects Heart Health: Getting enough bioavailable magnesium protects against arrhythmia, strengthens heartbeat force, and prevents plaque buildup.
In summary, magnesium taurate offers whole-body wellness advantages stemming from its superior absorption properties that readily resolve common magnesium insufficiency issues to convey both mental and physical enhancement.