The Top 20 Benefits of Magnesium Orotate

Magnesium orotate consists of magnesium bonded with orotic acid to improve absorption at the cellular level. Of all the magnesium supplement forms, magnesium orotate demonstrates superior bioavailability and tissue penetration.
Read on to discover the top 20 researched-backed ways this advanced magnesium complex enhances mental and physical wellbeing.
Supports Cardiovascular Function: Magnesium orotate specifically targets heart tissues needing reinforcement.
Protects Heart Muscle: Rodent research indicates magnesium orotate guards heart cells from damage caused by obstruction of blood flow.
Regulates Heart Rhythm: Getting enough bioavailable magnesium maintains electrical stability in the heart to keep rhythm regular.
Lowers Blood Pressure: Studies confirm magnesium orotate therapy significantly reduces blood pressure in hypertensive individuals.
Boosts Cognition: Magnesium orotate readily crosses the blood-brain barrier to elevate brain magnesium levels linked to sharper cognition.
Elevates Mood and Relieves Depression: Correcting cellular magnesium deficiency lifts dark feelings while restoring healthy neurotransmitter balance.
Eases Anxiety: Calming effects on the nervous system give magnesium orotate anxiety-relieving properties.
Promotes Restorative Sleep: Activating GABA receptors together with muscle relaxation effects encourages deeper, less disrupted sleep.
Increases Energy Levels: This formulation combats fatigue by driving more efficient ATP energy production within cells.
Prevents Kidney Stones: Meeting daily magnesium needs makes it less likely for painful calcium kidney stones to form.
Strengthens Bones: Magnesium orotate enhances bone density by improving calcium and vitamin D absorption.
Alleviates Muscle Soreness: Boosting cellular magnesium attenuates muscle damage from intense exercise while accelerating repair processes.
Relieves Muscle Cramps and Spasms: Rapidly increasing magnesium at the cellular level relaxes muscles to resolve painful cramping.
Regulates Blood Sugar: Magnesium activates insulin receptors that enable efficient transporting of blood glucose into cells.
Minimizes Headaches: Studies show magnesium orotate therapy successfully prevents frequent tension and migraine headaches.
Relieves PMS Symptoms: Restoring healthy magnesium levels treats breast tenderness, bloating, cravings, fatigue and irritability associated with PMS.
- Supports Oral Health: Research confirms magnesium deficiency enables inflammation damaging gums and tooth-holding tissues while supplementation reverses gum disease progression.
In summary, the highly absorbable magnesium orotate formulation enables efficiently elevating cellular magnesium levels to treat deficiency while harnessing diverse benefits throughout the body from head to toe.