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    Wild Blog — Vitamins and Supplements

    Why You Need More Antioxidant-Rich Foods, Herbs, and Supplements


    Kanna Extract: Does This Herb Have Brain-Health Benefits?

    If you've heard of the Kanna extract, then you know it's been touted as the "miracle drug" that can help people with various medical issues. But can this herbal supplement affect the brain?

    This blog post will delve into the science behind the Kanna extract and explore its potential benefits for our brains. We'll also discuss how to incorporate this herb into your daily routine and learn about possible risks associated with its usage. Read on to learn more about the fascinating world of Kanna extract and its effects on the brain!

    What is Kanna Extract?

    Kanna extract is a natural herb used for centuries to improve cognitive function and mental well-being. The active ingredient in Kanna extract is mesembrine, a psychoactive alkaloid.

    This alkaloid has been shown to increase serotonin levels in the brain, improving mood and reducing anxiety. Kanna extract is also known to improve memory and focus and to increase energy levels.

    The Different Types of Kanna Extract

    Kanna extract is a natural herb used for centuries in South Africa to help improve mood and relieve stress. The active ingredient in Kanna extract is mesembrine, an alkaloid compound that acts as a serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SRI). This means it increases serotonin levels in the brain, positively affecting mood, anxiety, and sleep.

    Different types of Kanna extract are available on the market, each with its benefits.

    Standardized Kanna extract contains a fixed amount of membrane, usually 3%. This extract is the most commonly used form in supplements and is generally considered safe and effective.

    Full-spectrum Kanna extract contains all the compounds found in the plant, including other alkaloids like mesembrenone and mesembrenol. This extract may provide more powerful effects, but it is also more likely to cause side effects.

    Kanna tincture is an alcohol-based extract that can be taken orally or applied topically. Tinctures are more potent than other Kanna extracts and may produce faster results. However, they can also be more drying to the skin when applied topically.

    Kanna tea is made by steeping dried Kanna leaves in hot water. This produces a milder effect than taking Kanna to extract in supplement form, but it can still be helpful.

    Pros and Cons of Kanna Extract

    Kanna extract is a natural supplement derived from the Sceletium tortuosum plant. This herb has been used for centuries in traditional South African medicine to treat various conditions, including anxiety, stress, and depression.

    Recent studies have shown that Kanna extract can boost cognitive performance and protect the brain from age-related damage. To prove this supplement's effectiveness, additional study and knowledge about it are still needed.

    The following are some possible benefits and drawbacks of Kanna extract:


    • It may improve cognitive performance.
    • Could protect against age-related brain damage
    • It may help alleviate anxiety and stress.


    How to Use Kanna Extract

    There are several methods you can employ when using Kanna extract. The most common way is to take it in capsule form, which can be purchased at most health food stores.

    If you'd prefer to make your capsules, you can grind up the dried herb and fill the tablets with the powder. Another option is to mix the powder with water or juice and drink it. Some people also like to smoke Kanna extract, although there are more effective ways to consume it.

    Whichever way you pick, start with a modest dose and gradually raise it until you discover the sweet spot. For the most part, Kanna extract is considered safe, but it's advisable to err on caution like anything else.

    If you have any concerns or medical conditions, speak with your doctor before taking Kanna extract or any other supplement.

    Kanna Extract Recipes

    Many recipes can be made using Kanna extract, and the benefits of this herb can be enjoyed in various ways. Here are some examples:

    • Kanna Extract Tea: This simple recipe requires only Kanna extract and hot water. Add the desired Kanna extract to a cup of hot water and stir. Enjoy as is or sweeten with honey if desired.
    • Kanna Extract Smoothie: This recipe is perfect for those who want to enjoy the benefits of Kanna extract in a delicious and refreshing smoothie. Blend the fruit, ice, milk, yogurt, Kanna extract, and other ingredients until smooth.
    • Kanna Extract Tincture: This recipe is ideal for those who want to take Kanna to extract on the go quickly. Add the desired Kanna extract to a glass bottle or jar filled with vodka or glycerin.For up to 6 months, keep in a cool, dark area. Take one dropperful (30 drops) under the tongue up to three times per day as needed.

    Alternatives to Kanna Extract

    Kanna has been used for centuries in traditional medicine practices, but there is a lack of scientific evidence to support its use. Talk to your healthcare provider if you're considering using Kanna for its potential health benefits.

    There are some alternatives to Kanna extract that may offer similar benefits. These include:

    1. St. John's wort: This herb has been studied for its potential antidepressant effects. It may work by inhibiting the reuptake of certain neurotransmitters, including serotonin (5-HT).
    2. SAMe: S-adenosylmethionine is a naturally occurring compound involved in many biochemical processes in the body. It's been shown to boost serotonin levels and other neurotransmitters, and it's thought to have antidepressant effects (6).
    3. 5-HTP: 5-hydroxytryptophan is a precursor to serotonin and can help increase levels of this neurotransmitter in the brain (7).
    4. Omega-3 fatty acids: These healthy fats have anti-inflammatory effects and can help improve mood and cognitive function (8).


    In conclusion, Kanna extract has been proven to have powerful effects on the brain. It can help improve memory, reduce anxiety and depression, increase focus and concentration, and even provide neuroprotective benefits.

    Kanna extract may be what you need if you're seeking a natural way to improve your cognitive function or want something to offer you a competitive edge at work. Before taking it, however, make sure it is legal in your area, and always consult your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regime.

    How to Improve Immune Health for Beginners


    Are you interested in learning how to improve your immune health? If so, this guide is for you! Here are the top five ways to naturally boost your immune health from the comfort of your home:

    Create a Balanced Diet Plan

    The first thing you should do to improve your immunity is to focus on eating a balanced diet. 

    Eating the proper servings of fruits and vegetables will ensure that your body gets the antioxidants and nutrients it needs to fight off harmful germs and pathogens. Foods like leafy greens, seeds, nuts, fruits, and legumes are rich in these and can boost your immune system. 

    Antioxidants help to reduce inflammation in your body, which, in the long run, can minimize the risk of conditions such as cancer, Alzheimer's, and heart disease. It is important to note that foods high in fiber positively impact overall gut health.

    It is also important to note that consuming immune health supplements such as probiotics or turmeric powders can help your immune system by ensuring your body has a balanced amount of healthy bacteria to help fight and prevent illness. Do your best to avoid processed foods and added sugars, as these substances do not add nutritional value and will not support your overall health in the long run. 

    Get the Right Amount of Sleep

    Getting the right amount of sleep is essential for ensuring that your immune system has the strength to fight off pathogens and things like the common cold. 

    When you sleep, your body regenerates, allowing your immune system to build additional strength. The less sleep you get, the less likely you are to produce T cells - these are your body's natural immune defense cells. When T cell levels are lower, inflammatory cell presence increases, making you susceptible to getting sick.

    You sleep more when you are sick because your body needs it to fight off the virus or bacteria that causes you to feel bad! Studies have shown that adults who get fewer than six hours of sleep each night will be more likely to get a cold than those who sleep for more than six hours.

    Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night and create a routine to achieve this regularly. If you have trouble sleeping, try to limit your time on your phone or TV before you go to bed so that your natural sleep cycle can kick in! 

    Drink Water!

    When it comes to being healthy, the most important thing you can do is drink water! Although water itself does not prevent the consumption of germs, dehydration can lead to illness.

    For example, not drinking enough water can lead to a lack of focus, headaches, poor digestion, and overall poor functioning of the heart and the kidney. These issues can leave your body feeling weak and, in the long run, prone to illness and disease. Your body needs all the energy it can get to fight off harmful germs and pathogens. 

    Start your day off properly by drinking a glass of water - this can boost your metabolism and enhance your immunity. Your body needs water first thing in the morning because your body wakes up dehydrated from sleeping through the night.  

    If you are thirsty, swap out the soda for a glass of water. In addition to drinking when you're thirsty, you should also have additional fluids when you exercise or work outside. 

    Keep Up with Your Exercise Routine

    Another aspect of immune health basics is to keep up with your exercise routine. Not only can exercise help reduce your risk of chronic illnesses like high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes, but it can also boost your immunity in the short term. 

    Getting your body moving can improve blood circulation, allowing T cells to move more freely. Increasing your daily exercise ensures they can do their job more efficiently and effectively! 

    Research shows that a moderate amount of exercise can boost the effectiveness of a vaccine in someone with a compromised immune system. Similarly, exercising regularly can help reduce inflammation and increase the regeneration of immune cells. 

    If you want to ward off the seasonal cold, consider going for a jog, bicycle ride, swim, or light hike. The average person should strive to move for at least 20 minutes daily! 

    Find Ways to Minimize Stress

    Can mental health affect the immune system? The short answer is yes! 

    Minimizing your exposure to stress can help you improve your immune health since high cortisol levels can lead to inflammation and imbalances in immune cell function.  Whether you have a significant stressor or little stressors that add up throughout your day, your body is constantly working to overcome it. Allow your body to release stress by taking time for self-care and relaxation. 

    We understand that stressing less is easier said than done. However, exercise, meditation, journaling, and other mindfulness practices can reduce the adverse effects on your immune system. If you are under significant stress, consider working with a licensed professional to help you learn how to manage it better.