The Modern Human Environment is Fake


Your food. Your beds. Walls. Cars. Clothes.


Remove nature. Replace it with fake shit.

That's like saying, "Hey, let's create the perfect petri dish for modern disease."

You're swimming in toxicity. It's all around you, on you, every second of the day.

Modern humans spend an estimated 95% of their time indoors in artificial environments.

These fake products put off gases and leach chemicals that affect your biology. Some are "forever" compounds that never biodegrade.

Most of us have microplastics in our bodies.

We inhale off gassing from the products, walls, buildings, and vehicles around you.

Fake fibers make contact with your skin the majority of your day. Then there's the haircare and body care products.

The list goes on.

All compounded by the fact that you're not spending time in your natural environment—nature.

Modern attempts at "S"cience to solve the problems of modern disease has led to more death and destruction.

There is not money in natural solutions because they are free or low cost.

Get back to the basics. Ruthlessly cull anything that's not foundational in supporting your health and longevity.

  • Prioritize whole, unprocessed foods
  • Engage in daily physical activity
  • Incorporate strength training exercises
  • Seek regular exposure to sunlight
  • Prioritize quality sleep
  • Spend time in natural environments
  • Walk barefoot when possible
  • Avoid seed oils and heavily processed foods
  • Include a healthy amount of salt in your diet
  • Ensure adequate protein intake
  • Practice intermittent fasting
  • Embrace laughter, love, and social connections
  • Stand up for your beliefs
  • Cultivate and maintain personal beliefs
  • Discover and pursue your life's purpose and mission
  • Assist others in finding their purpose
  • Engage in manual craftsmanship
  • Foster creativity and problem-solving skills
  • Practice mindful breathing or meditation
  • Hydrate adequately with clean water
  • Engage in regular stretching or yoga
  • Explore herbal and plant-based remedies
  • Practice gratitude and positive thinking
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