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    Wild Blog

    What is Collagen? (Benefits, Types & Functions)


    Collagen, often referred to as the body's 'super glue,' is a powerhouse protein that serves as the foundation for your bones, muscles, skin, and tendons.

    This essential component not only bestows strength and structure to our bodies but also gifts us with the elasticity that keeps us looking vibrant and feeling flexible.

    Discover the remarkable benefits of collagen, delve into its diverse types, and understand its crucial functions in maintaining our health and vitality. Let's go!

    Key Takeaways

    • Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. It is essential for preserving skin health and suppleness, supporting joint and bone function, and fostering healthy hair, nail, and muscular growth.
    • There are three main types of collagen: Type I, found in skin, tendons, bone, and connective tissues; Type II, found in cartilage; and Type III, found in organs such as blood vessels. Each type serves different functions within the body.
    • Sources of collagen include bovine (cow) collagen for affordability, marine (fish) collagen for good absorbability due to its low molecular weight, and poultry (chicken) sources that contain all types of collagen.
    • Including foods rich in nutrients that support natural production, like vitamin C, can help keep an adequate supply of this essential protein.

    What is Collagen?

    Collagen is a crucial protein that exists in abundance within the body. It is essential for preserving and supporting the health of the skin, hair, nails, and various connective tissues.

    The most abundant protein in the body

    Collagen makes up about one-third of our total protein. It's often considered the "glue" that holds everything together, providing strength and structure to various tissues, such as bones, muscles, skin, and tendons.

    This powerhouse protein is responsible for maintaining skin elasticity and promoting joint health - think of it like a supportive scaffold within your body.

    Furthermore, collagen protects vital organs and contributes to a healthy cardiovascular system.

    Essential for skin, hair, nails & connective tissues

    As the body's most abundant protein, it provides strength and structure to these essential components of our physical appearance and overall health.

    For example, collagen helps maintain skin elasticity and hydration, keeping your complexion youthful and vibrant.

    Furthermore, collagen plays a crucial role in forming tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and bones – all key players in maintaining healthy joints and overall mobility.

    What are the Functions of Collagen?

    Collagen is essential for maintaining skin health and elasticity, supporting joint and bone function, and promoting healthy hair and nail growth.

    Collagen promotes skin health and elasticity

    Our natural collagen production begins to reduce as we age, which can result in drooping skin and the appearance of wrinkles.

    One way that collagen benefits the skin is by improving hydration levels.

    Featuring a unique triple-helix structure, type I collagen peptides are orally bioavailable and have been proven to increase production within the dermal layer of your skin. (1)

    This hydration boost leads to softer and more supple skin and helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles over time.

    Collagen for hair & nail strength

    As we age, collagen production decreases, weakening hair and brittle nails. But with collagen supplementation, you can improve the appearance of your hair and nail strength by promoting growth and increasing thickness.

    Collagen peptides have been shown to support hair growth while increasing each fiber's diameter. (2)

    Additionally, supplementing with collagen has been shown to increase nail thickness, hardness, and resistance to breakage.

    Joint & bone support

    Consuming collagen supplements can help improve joint health by supporting cartilage strength and healthy connective tissue.

    Collagen hydrolysate has been shown to increase bone mineral density in postmenopausal women, reducing their risk for osteopenia or even osteoporosis. (3)

    Additionally, specific collagen peptides have been found to reduce activity-related knee joint discomfort among athletes.

    Collagen for muscle development

    This structural protein is abundant in connective tissues that support muscle groups like tendons and ligaments.

    Collagen plays a crucial role in transmitting forces between muscles and bones, thus improving joint stability.

    Not only is collagen essential during embryonic development, but it's also vital in adult muscle repair.

    Collagen supplementation has been shown to enhance muscle growth, strength, and endurance. This is particularly true for athletes or older adults who may require additional support for enhanced performance, or faster recovery time from exercise-induced damage and inflammation. (4)

    Different Types of Collagen

    There are three main types of collagen: Type I, which is found in skin, tendons, bone, and other connective tissues; Type II, which makes up cartilage; and Type III, found in muscles and blood vessels.

    Type I Collagen

    Type I collagen is the most abundant in the body, accounting for over 90% of total collagen. It is an essential building block for strong bones, tendons, ligaments, and skin.

    Type I collagen has a unique triple-helix structure that makes it resistant to tension and flexible at the same time.

    This structural protein is critical in supporting bone strength and flexibility while giving skin resilience and hydration.

    Our bodies produce less vital protein as we age, leading to sagging skin, wrinkles, brittle bones, and joint pain.

    Type II Collagen

    Type II collagen is a crucial component for maintaining joint health and mobility. It's found in cartilage and helps to maintain its structure and function.

    Our bodies naturally manufacture less collagen as we age, which can lead to joint problems like osteoarthritis.

    Supplementing with Type II collagen has become increasingly popular among athletes and those suffering from joint pain or stiffness.

    In addition to its role in joint health, Type II collagen plays a significant role in wound healing and reducing inflammation throughout the body.

    It's important to note that not all supplements are equal regarding bioavailability - the body may better absorb some than others.

    Wild Foods Co. Collagen has been shown to have high bioavailability compared to other collagen supplements today, making it an excellent choice for those seeking maximum benefit from their supplement regimen.

    Type III Collagen

    Type III collagen is crucial to many internal organs, including the blood vessels and lung tissue. It has a unique triple-helix structure composed of three alpha chains, making it essential for normal cardiovascular development.

    Type III collagen plays a vital role in tissue repair and wound healing and decreases with age, contributing to aging.

    Mutations in the COL3A1 gene responsible for type III collagen production can lead to vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS), affecting connective tissues.

    Sources Of Collagen

    You can find collagen in bovine (cow), marine (fish), and poultry (chicken) sources, which are commonly used in supplements and skincare products.

    Bovine (Cow) collagen

    Bovine collagen is a popular type sourced from cows and used in supplements, foods, and cosmetics. It contains high levels of type I and III collagen, fundamental for maintaining healthy skin, bones, and joints.

    Bovine collagen has been proven to improve skin hydration and elasticity, reduce wrinkles, and relieve joint pain in individuals with osteoarthritis. (5)

    Hydrolyzed bovine collagen is more easily absorbed, increasing its bioavailability and effectiveness.

    Marine (Fish) collagen

    Marine collagen, derived from fish skin and scales, is a highly absorbable collagen supplement. It contains type I collagen, which supports skin elasticity and wound healing.

    According to research, marine collagen supplements may increase skin moisture and lessen the appearance of wrinkles.

    In addition to its skin-health benefits, marine collagen may improve joint health by lowering inflammation and increasing mobility.

    Moreover, it is a sustainable source of collagen as it uses fish waste products that would otherwise be discarded.

    Poultry (Chicken) Collagen

    Poultry or chicken collagen is a popular source of collagen used in many supplements and cosmetic products. It contains type II collagen, which benefits joint health and reduces pain and inflammation.

    This can be particularly helpful for those with osteoarthritis or other joint conditions.

    Poultry collagen also contributes to skin health by promoting skin hydration and structure and aiding in wound healing and tissue regeneration.

    Collagen Loss (Causes & Prevention)

    Collagen loss is caused by aging, UV exposure, poor diet, and lifestyle factors such as smoking and alcohol consumption.

    The prevention of collagen loss involves protecting the skin from environmental damage with sunscreen and avoiding processed meats, fried foods, and grilled meats that contribute to oxidative stress in the body.


    Unfortunately, as we age, our body's collagen production naturally declines. This decrease can lead to wrinkles, sagging skin, and joint pain.

    The degradation of collagen is accelerated by environmental factors such as excessive sun exposure, low vitamin C levels, hormonal changes in women during menopause, and oxidative stress caused by free radicals.

    However, consuming collagen-rich foods or taking supplements recommended by your dermatologist may help boost the body's natural collagen production and prevent further decline.

    UV Exposure

    Exposure to UV rays can cause collagen loss in the skin, leading to premature aging signs like wrinkles, sagging, and uneven texture. Prolonged exposure to sunlight can also increase the risk of skin cancer.

    Wearing protective clothing and applying high-SPF sunscreen regularly is essential to prevent UV damage.

    In topical treatments, collagen boosters such as peptides, retinoids, and alpha-hydroxy acids stimulate collagen production while aiding damaged collagen repair.

    Additionally, oral supplements rich in hydrolyzed collagen peptides support healthy skin elasticity and reduce photoaging effects caused by excessive sun exposure.

    Poor diet

    Consuming too many processed and sugary foods can deplete your body with essential nutrients needed for collagen synthesis.

    This can lead to skin aging, brittle nails and hair, weak bones, and joint pain.

    Also, substitute leaner protein sources such as chicken or turkey breast for fried or processed meats to prevent inflammation, which may lead to collagen loss and the likelihood of developing osteopenia or osteoporosis later in life.

    Lifestyle factors that affect collagen levels

    Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and processed foods can damage collagen production, leading to wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin.

    In contrast, a well-balanced diet of fruits and vegetables can help defend against free radicals that cause oxidative stress.

    At the same time, regular exercise boosts circulation and promotes skin cell regeneration.

    Additionally, protecting your skin from UV rays with sunscreen or protective clothing can prevent sun damage that breaks down collagen over time.


    Collagen is an essential protein for the health and youthfulness of our skin, hair, nails, and connective tissues.

    With various types of collagen available there are options for everyone to supplement this protein powerhouse into their diet and reap the incredible benefits. 

    Supplements containing collagen can help relieve joint pain and improve bone mineral density. Including foods rich in collagen-building vitamins like leafy greens and citrus fruits can also help support natural production.

    Strengthen your joints and muscles with Wild Foods Co. Collagen Peptides Powder! Order now and feel the difference!


    What is collagen, and why is it essential for our bodies?

    Collagen is a protein in our bodies that gives structure to our skin, hair, nails, bones, and other tissues. It helps to keep them strong, flexible, and healthy.
    Collagen is the main component of our connective tissues and plays a crucial role in holding the body's cells together. It also provides strength and elasticity to the skin.

    What are the different types of collagen and where are they found?

    There are at least 16 forms of collagen in the body, but the most frequent are types I, II, and III, which account for more than 90% of all collagen. Type I is found in skin, bones, and tendons; type II is found in cartilage; and type III makes up connective tissue such as blood vessels.

    How can taking collagen supplements benefit my health?

    Taking collagen supplements has been shown to improve skin elasticity, reduce wrinkles, and prevent age-related bone loss. It may also help with joint pain by improving cartilage strength and reducing inflammation. The benefits of collagen extend to both men and women, and it plays a crucial role in maintaining skin health and elasticity.

    Can we get enough collagen from our diet alone, or do we need supplements?

    As we age, our bodies naturally manufacture less collagen, so supplementing our diets with hydrolyzed (broken down) forms of this protein can benefit overall health, especially for those who don't eat meat (a primary source). 

    What is the best source of collagen?

    The best source of collagen can vary depending on individual dietary preferences and restrictions. For those who consume animal products, bone broth, chicken skin, and fish skin are excellent sources. For vegetarians and vegans, options are more limited, but consuming a diet rich in nutrients that support collagen production, like vitamin C and proline, can be beneficial.

    Are there any side effects associated with collagen supplements?

    When taken in recommended quantities, collagen supplements are generally safe for most people. However, some individuals may experience side effects such as digestive discomfort or skin rashes.

    Related Studies
    1. Featuring a unique triple-helix structure, type I collagen peptides are orally bioavailable and have been proven to increase production within the dermal layer of your skin.
    2. Collagen peptides have been shown to support hair growth while increasing each fiber's diameter.
    3. Collagen hydrolysate has been shown to increase bone mineral density in postmenopausal women, reducing their risk for osteopenia or even osteoporosis.
    4. Collagen supplementation has been shown to enhance muscle growth, strength, and endurance.
    5. Bovine collagen has been proven to improve skin hydration and elasticity, reduce wrinkles, and relieve joint pain in individuals with osteoarthritis.

    MCT vs Coconut Oil (Which is Best for Energy & Fat Burning)


    Do you need clarification about the differences between MCT oil and coconut oil, or are you wondering which one best suits your health needs? You're not alone.

    These popular oils boast numerous benefits, from boosting energy levels to improving cognitive function. Still, it's essential to understand the unique characteristics of each before deciding which is suitable for you.

    In this blog post, we'll dive into MCT Oil vs. Coconut Oil by exploring their composition, benefits, uses in daily life, and potential risks.

    Key Takeaways

    • MCT oil contains a higher concentration of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) than coconut oil. This increased concentration makes it a more efficient option for producing ketones and sustaining ketosis.
    • Coconut oil offers a diverse nutritional profile with additional compounds and nutrients that provide various health benefits.
    • Both MCT oil and coconut oil offer benefits such as improved energy levels, cognitive function, weight loss, reduced inflammation, lowered cholesterol and triglycerides, and anti-inflammatory properties of coconut oil.

    Key Differences & Composition of MCT & Coconut Oil

    MCT oil is made up of pure medium-chain fatty acids. In contrast, coconut oil contains both medium and long-chain fatty acids, making MCT oil a more concentrated source of MCTs than coconut oil.

    Understanding the sources of MCT & coconut oil

    MCT oil and coconut oil, both prized for their unique health benefits, are derived from different sources. While MCT (medium-chain triglyceride) oil is a highly concentrated source of medium-chain fatty acids synthesized through fractionationcoconut oil comes directly from the flesh of coconuts.

    In contrast, cold-pressed virgin coconut oil retains additional nutrients in the raw fruit since it undergoes minimal processing.

    This natural extraction method results in a crude product containing not only MCTs but also long-chain fatty acids like lauric acid and other beneficial compounds such as phenolic antioxidants.

    Differences In Nutritional Profiles

    Differences in nutritional profiles and types of MCT oil can impact their usage and benefits. The following table outlines the key differences between coconut oil and MCT oil, helping you make the best choice for your health goals:

    Type of Oil Composition Notable MCTs Nutritional Profile
    Coconut Oil Combination of medium-chain and long-chain fatty acids Lauric Acid (C12) High in saturated fats, contains vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin E, vitamin K, and iron
    MCT Oil Pure medium-chain fatty acids Caprylic Acid (C8) and Capric Acid (C10) High in MCTs, minimal presence of other nutrients


    As demonstrated above, MCT oil is a more concentrated source of medium-chain triglycerides, specifically C8 and C10, than coconut oil.

    This makes MCT oil more efficient for ketone production and maintaining ketosis, a popular choice for those following a ketogenic diet.

    In contrast, coconut oil offers a more diverse nutritional profile, containing additional compounds and nutrients that provide various health benefits.

    Benefits of MCT Oil & Coconut Oil

    Both MCT oil and coconut oil offer a range of benefits, including improved energy levels, cognitive function, weight loss, and reduced inflammation.

    Improved energy & brain function

    One of the most sought-after benefits of MCT and coconut oil is their ability to boost energy levels and enhance cognitive function.

    Both oils contain medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) that are quickly metabolized by the liver, providing a quick and efficient fuel source for your body.

    For instance, many people incorporate MCT oil into their morning coffee routine as it gives them an instant pick-me-up and helps improve mental clarity throughout the day.

    Research suggests that MCTs may positively impact memory performance and reduce symptoms related to Alzheimer's disease or dementia.

    Coconut oil shares similar benefits due to its lauric acid content – a medium-chain fatty acid known for its potential neuroprotective properties.

    Some studies have shown that individuals with mild cognitive impairment experienced significant improvements after regularly consuming coconut oil over several weeks.

    Weight loss & appetite control

    MCT oil has increased feelings of fullness, leading to reduced calorie intake throughout the day.

    It also helps reduce body fat by promoting the production of ketones, which can help burn fat for energy instead of carbohydrates.

    Coconut oil contains medium-chain triglycerides metabolized differently than other fats, promoting a feeling of fullness and boosting metabolism.

    MCT oil contains a higher concentration of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) compared to coconut oil, making it more efficient for ketone production and maintaining ketosis.

    Additionally, the fatty acids present in coconut oil have been shown to potentially reduce appetite, resulting in a decreased calorie intake over the course of the day.

    Lowered cholesterol & triglycerides

    MCT oil and coconut oil have been shown to positively affect cholesterol and triglyceride levels. MCT oil, due to its easy digestion and metabolism by the liver, has the potential to lower total cholesterol levels.

    In some studies, coconut oil has also been linked with lower total and LDL cholesterol levels.

    The positive impact on cholesterol levels is attributed to lauric acid, a saturated fat found in MCT oil that has been proven to elevate HDL (good) cholesterol while reducing LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.

    Anti-inflammatory & antimicrobial properties of coconut oil

    The phenolic compounds found in coconut oil have been shown to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, but also aids in reducing oxidative stress and inflammation within the body.

    In addition, coconut oil has potent antimicrobial effects that can help fight against harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi that cause infections in the body.

    Research indicates that the antimicrobial effects of coconut oil may be attributed to lauric acid, a medium-chain fatty acid found within it.

    Integrating moderate amounts of coconut oil into both your diet and skincare routine can potentially provide a multitude of health benefits.

    Increased ketone levels with MCT oil

    When your body metabolizes fat instead of carbohydrates for energy, it produces ketones, which serve as a powerful fuel source for both your brain and muscles.

    Unlike other fat sources, MCTs don't have to be broken down by enzymes in your digestive tract before they can be used for energy.

    This makes them an efficient fuel source ideal for people who want to lose weight or improve their athletic performance.

    Furthermore, the rapid absorption of MCTs by the liver prevents them from causing a sudden increase in blood sugar levels, unlike certain other types of carbohydrates.

    How to Add MCT Oil & Coconut Oil to Your Diet

    Looking to spice up your meals with a healthy twist? Dive in as we explore fun and tasty ways to add MCT and coconut oil to your dishes. From sizzling stir-fries to refreshing smoothies and zesty salads - we've got you covered!

    Cooking & baking with coconut oil

    Coconut oil is an excellent alternative for cooking and baking. Here are some ways to use it into your recipes:

    1. For baking cookies, cakes, and bread, consider substituting butter or vegetable oil with coconut oil.
    2. Melt coconut oil in a pan as a substitute for olive or canola oil when frying or sautéing.
    3. Add coconut oil to smoothies or protein shakes to boost healthy fat and flavor.
    4. Spread coconut oil on whole-grain toast or use it as a topping for popcorn.

    Coconut oil has a high smoke point, making it ideal for frying and sautéing at high temperatures.

    It also imparts a pleasant, slightly sweet flavor to dishes. When using coconut oil in cooking, be mindful of its calorie content, which is higher than many other oils.

    Want to reap the benefits without going overboard? Stick to the golden rule - just 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil a day. It's the perfect balance to keep you healthy and happy!

    Adding MCT Oil to beverages or smoothies

    Sprucing up your favorite drinks or smoothies with a healthy twist is a breeze! Let's dive into some handy tips:

    1. Start with a small amount: Start with 1-2 teaspoons of MCT oil and gradually increase the amount over time to avoid digestive discomfort.
    2. Mix well: MCT oil can separate from liquids, so mix it well before drinking.
    3. Add a flavor: While some may enjoy the taste of MCT oil alone, others may prefer to add flavor to their beverages or smoothies by incorporating cinnamon, vanilla extract, or cocoa powder.
    4. Experiment with different combinations: MCT oil can be added to coffee, tea, smoothies, and water. Experiment with different combinations until you find what works best for you.
    5. Avoid high temperatures: Do not add MCT oil to hot beverages, as it has a low smoke point and can become unstable at high temperatures.

    By adding MCT oil to your favorite beverage or smoothie, you can easily reap the potential benefits of this supplement deliciously and conveniently.

    Blending MCT Oil into coffee or tea

    Add energy and flavor to your morning cup of joe or tea by blending in some MCT oil. Here's how:

    1. Brew your coffee or tea as usual.
    2. Add 1 - 2 tablespoons of MCT oil to your mug, depending on your preference.
    3. Mix the MCT oil into your drink with a frother or blender until it becomes creamy and smooth.
    4. Sip and enjoy!

    Blending MCT oil into coffee or tea is a quick and easy way to increase your energy levels and mental clarity while adding healthy fats to your diet.

    Just be sure not to overdo it with the amount of MCT oil you add, as too much can cause digestive issues for some people. Start small and gradually work up to find the perfect amount for you.

    Final Thoughts

    Whether you're team MCT oil or coconut oil, both come packed with unique benefits. MCT oil, with its concentrated MCTs, is your go-to for efficient ketone production.

    On the other hand, coconut oil brings a mix of nutrients to the table, offering a range of health benefits.

    Imagine boosting your energy, supporting your weight loss journey, lowering cholesterol, and enjoying anti-inflammatory benefits - all by simply adding these oils to your diet!

    But remember, your health is unique to you. Always consider your dietary needs and any allergies before making your pick.

    Ready to experience the power of MCT oil? Try Wild Foods Co. Organic MCT Oil and feel the difference. Get yours today!


    What distinguishes MCT oil from coconut oil?

    MCT oil is a concentrated source of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), derived from coconut or palm kernel oil. On the other hand, coconut oil is a natural product that contains a variety of fatty acids, including a smaller proportion of MCTs.

    Which is more effective for weight loss, MCT oil or coconut oil?

    Both MCT oil and coconut oil can contribute to weight loss by boosting metabolism and promoting satiety. However, some studies indicate that MCT oil might be slightly more potent in promoting weight loss due to its higher concentration of MCTs.

    Can I incorporate both MCT oil and coconut oil into my diet?

    Yes, both MCT oil and coconut oil can be included in your diet as they offer unique health benefits. However, it's important to control your intake since both oils are calorie-dense.

    Are there any potential risks associated with the consumption of these oils?

    Excessive consumption of either MCT oil or coconut oil may lead to digestive issues such as bloating or diarrhea. Individuals with coconut allergies should seek medical advice before incorporating either product into their diet.

    Can I substitute MCT oil with coconut oil?

    While MCT oil and coconut oil have some similarities, they are not identical. MCT oil is a concentrated source of MCTs, whereas coconut oil contains a variety of fatty acids, including MCTs. Therefore, the substitution may not yield the same results.

    Is MCT oil better than coconut oil for baking?

    Coconut oil has a higher smoke point than MCT oil, making it more suitable for cooking and baking. However, the choice between the two would depend on the specific flavor and nutritional profile you're looking for in your baked goods.

    Is MCT oil actually coconut oil?

    MCT oil is derived from coconut or palm kernel oil and is a concentrated source of medium-chain triglycerides. While MCTs are found in coconut oil, MCT oil is not the same as coconut oil due to its different composition and concentration of MCTs.

    Does it matter if my MCT oil came from coconut oil or palm oil?

    MCT oil can be produced from either coconut oil or palm oil, or a combination of both. The source does not significantly impact the properties of MCT oil, but it might matter from a sustainability perspective, given the environmental concerns associated with palm oil production.

    10 Surprising Benefits of MCT Oil: Boost Your Health Now!


    Are you ready to unlock the powerful secret of MCT oil? This fantastic supplement, sourced from coconut and palm kernel oils, has been making waves in the health and fitness world with incredible benefits.

    From promoting weight loss to boosting brain function, MCT oil is an undeniable game-changer.

    Key Takeaways

    • MCT oil can aid in weight loss by reducing calorie intake and promoting fat burning.
    • MCT oil is an excellent energy source that improves athletic performanceboosts mental focus, and may assist in managing neurological conditions like epilepsy and Alzheimer's.
    • MCT oil promotes gut health by improving microbiome balance, combating harmful microorganisms, and regulating satiety hormones.
    • Regular use of high-quality MCT oil combined with a healthy lifestyle can benefit your body and mind.

    What Is MCT Oil?

    MCT oil is a dietary supplement derived from coconut oil or palm kernel oil that contains medium-length chains of fats called triglycerides, primarily composed of caprylic and capric acid.

    Types Of MCTs

    MCTs, or medium-chain triglycerides, consist of four main types: caproic acid (C6), caprylic acid (C8), capric acid (C10), and lauric acid (C12).

    Each type has its unique properties and benefits. For instance, C8 is known for its brain health-promoting effects and infection-fighting capabilities.

    MCTs can be found in various natural sources, including dairy fats like butter, palm kernel oil, and coconut oil.

    Coconut oil stands out for its high content of lauric acid (C12), known for its antimicrobial properties that provide protection against harmful bacteria and viruses.

    While each MCT provides specific benefits to your body's overall well-being, it's crucial to incorporate a mixture into your diet to reap its full potential synergistically.

    Sources Of MCTs

    Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) can be found in various natural sources, with coconut oil being one of the wealthiest providers. In fact, around 62-65% of the fatty acids in coconut oil are MCTs.

    Another common source is palm kernel oil, although it's worth noting that there are some sustainability concerns regarding its production.

    While consuming these foods can provide your body with medium-chain triglycerides to some extent, using a concentrated MCT oil derived from coconuts or palm kernels grants you more targeted benefits without added calories from other components in whole foods.

    This concentrated form is produced by refining raw coconut or palm oil through chemical synthesis or fractionation processes.

    MCT Oil Benefit #1: Promotes Weight Loss

    MCT oil can aid in weight loss by lowering calorie intake and positively affecting body composition; read on to discover more about the benefits of this powerful supplement.

    Lower Calorie Intake

    One of the appealing factors of MCT oil for weight management enthusiasts is its lower calorie content compared to long-chain triglycerides (LCTs). MCT oil contains about 10% fewer calories than LCTs.

    This can make a significant difference when reducing your daily caloric intake to shed unwanted pounds.

    Here's a simple analogy: imagine two gas stations offering fuel at different prices. One sells gasoline at $3 per gallon, while the other offers it for only $2.70 - that's like comparing LCTs and MCTs in terms of calorie content!

    You typically consume 100 grams of fat from LCT sources daily; by switching half of that amount with MCT oil instead (50 grams), you would save around 45 calories per day without compromising on energy sources.

    Body Composition And Weight

    MCT oil is a popular supplement that may help individuals manage their body composition and weight. Consuming MCT oil can reduce calorie intake, potentially aiding in weight management.

    Additionally, some evidence suggests that MCT oil could promote modest weight loss in individuals with metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. When incorporated into a weight-loss diet, MCT oil promotes a higher weight and fat mass loss rate than olive oil.

    MCT Oil Benefit #2: Boosts Energy

    MCT oil is a good energy source that can boost your athletic endurance and provide immediate energy for high-intensity workouts.

    Good Energy Source

    MCT oil is a fantastic source of energy that can support your body during physical activity and exercise. Unlike long-chain triglycerides, MCTs are rapidly absorbed by the liver, where they're quickly transformed into ketones - a potent source of fuel for your brain and body.

    This means that consuming MCT oil can provide an immediate burst of energy to help push you through tough workouts or boost mental focus when you need it most.

    For example, athletes who consume MCT oil before endurance exercises like running or cycling show improved performance compared to those who do not use it.

    Improved Athletic Endurance

    MCT oil may be the solution for those looking to boost their athletic performance. MCT oil provides an immediate energy source for the body, leading to quick absorption and transportation throughout the bloodstream.

    This rapid energy boost can improve exercise performance and endurance as you take high-intensity workouts. Furthermore, MCTs are converted by the liver into ketones, which serve as an alternate fuel source for your brain and body during activity.

    Increasing fat burning during activity and consuming MCT oil may ultimately lead to weight loss and management benefits while boosting your overall athletic ability.

    MCT Oil Benefit #3: Supports Brain Health

    MCT oil has been shown to enhance cognitive function and may even assist in managing conditions like epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, and autism.

    Enhanced Cognitive Function

    With its demonstrated positive impact on cognitive function and brain health, MCT oil has become a favored supplement for those seeking to enhance their mental performance.

    The medium-chain triglycerides in MCT oil are easily absorbed and quickly converted into ketones, which can cross the blood-brain barrier and provide an immediate energy source for the brain.

    Studies have found that MCT oil can enhance memory and overall cognitive function, especially in individuals with Alzheimer's disease or age-related cognitive decline. Additionally, MCTs have anti-inflammatory properties that protect against oxidative stress and damage to the brain.

    Management Of Epilepsy, Alzheimer's Disease, And Autism

    MCT oil has potential benefits in managing epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, and autism. The medium-chain triglycerides in MCT oil are rapidly broken down by the liver, producing ketones that can serve as an energy source for brain cells.

    Studies have shown that MCT oil supplementation can decrease seizure frequency in children with drug-resistant epilepsy. Similarly, MCTs have been linked to improvements in cognitive function and memory retention among elderly individuals with mild cognitive impairment.

    While MCT oil cannot cure these conditions alone, incorporating it into a comprehensive treatment plan can help reduce symptoms and better the overall quality of life for individuals affected.

    MCT Oil Benefit #4: Improves Gut Health

    MCT oil contains fatty acids that have antibacterial and antifungal properties, which makes it great for improving gastrointestinal health by fighting against yeast and bacterial growth.

    Fatty Acids That Fight Yeast And Bacterial Growth

    MCT oil contains fatty acids that have potent antimicrobial effects. These fatty acids can fight yeast and bacterial growth in the gut, promoting a healthier microbiome and improving gastrointestinal and metabolic health.

    MCTs are so effective at combating harmful bacteria and fungi like Candida albicans and Clostridium difficile that they are sometimes prescribed to patients with intestinal infections.

    Gastrointestinal Health

    MCT oil is also known for its positive effects on gastrointestinal health. Due to their antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties, MCTs can combat harmful bacteria and other microorganisms in the gut that cause problems like candida overgrowth.

    Additionally, MCTs promote beneficial gut bacteria growth and improve gut motility. Reducing digestive issues like constipation makes MCT oil a popular supplement among those with gastrointestinal disorders such as IBD or IBS.

    Lastly, MCTs regulate gut hormones, improving satiety and overall gut health by balancing out hunger hormones like Ghrelin and Neuropeptide Y.

    MCT Oil Benefit #5: Boosts Heart Health

    The consumption of MCT oil has been associated with enhanced cardiovascular health and a potential reduction in risk factors for heart disease, making it a valuable and beneficial inclusion in any dietary regimen.

    Cardiovascular Health

    MCT oil has been found to have potential benefits for cardiovascular health. Studies suggest that MCT oil promotes a healthier cholesterol ratio than other oils, potentially preventing atherosclerosis and improving cardiovascular health.

    Additionally, MCTs may help lower risk factors for heart disease, such as high blood pressure and elevated triglyceride levels. It's vital to remember that excessive MCT oil use may lead to a larger intake of saturated fat, which is linked to a greater risk of heart disease.

    May Lower Risk Factors For Heart Disease

    MCT oil has been shown to have potential benefits in managing heart disease risk factors. Studies suggest that consuming MCT oil may improve serum lipid profiles by increasing "good" HDL cholesterol and decreasing "bad" LDL cholesterol levels.

    This can significantly benefit those with high blood pressure, diabetes, or metabolic syndrome. Excessive MCT consumption, on the other hand, can result in raised triglyceride levels, which are related to an increased risk of heart disease and liver disorders such as fatty liver disease.

    MCT Oil Benefit #6: Reduces Inflammation

    MCT oil has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation and improve overall health. Chronic inflammation is linked to various health issues like heart disease and certain cancers.

    Moreover, MCTs have improved gut health by fighting yeast and bacterial growth in the stomach. This improved gastrointestinal balance leads to lower levels of systemic inflammation throughout the body.

    Incorporating MCT oil into your diet may be a great option if you suffer from autoimmune diseases like Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis characterized by chronic inflammation.

    MCT Oil Benefit #7: Helps Manage Blood Sugar Levels

    MCT oil can assist you in naturally managing your blood sugar levels.

    MCT oil works by increasing the production of ketone bodies in your liver, which are more readily used as energy than glucose and don't require insulin to be absorbed into cells.

    Of course, speaking with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen is essential. While research suggests that MCT oil may have benefits for managing blood sugar levels, it should not replace conventional medical treatments.

    MCT Oil Benefit #8: Increases Muscle Strength

    MCT oil is good for weight loss, energy boost, and gut health and increases muscle strength. A study has shown that consuming MCT oil during high-intensity exercise can improve performance and increase fat burning.

    Moreover, MCT oil promotes "thermogenesis," which produces heat in your body that burns calories. Increasing thermogenesis, MCT oil helps create a favorable environment for building muscles through high-intensity exercise such as fasting or lifting weights.

    If you're considering using MCT oil to increase muscle strength, choose a reputable brand like Onnit or Kaged Plantein Plant-Based Protein Powder with pure C8 (caprylic acid) content to avoid adverse side effects like gastrointestinal discomfort.

    MCT Oil Benefit #9: Enhances Immunity

    MCT oil has been found to enhance immune function in several ways. First, MCTs' antimicrobial and antifungal effects can help fight off harmful pathogens and fungi that can weaken the immune system.

    MCT oil can also increase white blood cell production, essential for fighting infections. In studies, MCTs have been shown to benefit gut health by promoting the growth of helpful gut bacteria while limiting the growth of dangerous germs.

    Finally, MCT oil provides an immediate source of energy that supports immune function. When your body is low on energy due to fatigue or stress, it may not mount an effective response against potential threats.

    MCT Oil Benefit #10: Supports Ketosis

    MCT oil supports the state of ketosis, where the body burns fat as fuel instead of carbohydrates, by providing an instant source of ketones to the liver.

    Ketogenic Diet And MCT Oil

    The ketogenic diet's rising popularity in recent years can be due to its possible health advantages. It is a diet that is high in fat and low in carbohydrates.

    One way to enhance the effects of this diet is by incorporating MCT oil into your meals or drinks.

    MCT oil can increase ketone production and energy levels, which is essential for reaching and maintaining a state of ketosis.

    In addition to supporting ketosis, MCT oil may also aid with weight loss by increasing satiety and fat burning, improving cognitive function and memory, and supporting gut health and immunity through its antimicrobial and antifungal properties.

    Before beginning the ketogenic diet or adding MCT oil, speak with a healthcare practitioner because individual needs vary depending on age, gender, and body composition goals, among other variables indicated in [IMPORTANT FACTS].

    How To Choose And Use MCT Oil

    When choosing an MCT oil, opt for a high-quality brand that uses pure and sustainable sources like coconut oil or palm kernel oil, and look for those with a higher concentration of caprylic acid (C8) and capric acid (C10).

    Start with a low dosage to avoid digestive upset, gradually increasing as tolerated.

    MCT Oil Dosage

    If you want to try MCT oil as a supplement, it's essential to understand the recommended dosage. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

    • The recommended dosage of MCT oil can vary widely depending on individual goals and needs.
    • Some people start with as little as 5 grams per day and gradually increase the dosage over time, while others may consume up to 70 grams per day.
    • Before beginning any new supplement regimen, it is critical to contact a healthcare practitioner, especially if you have underlying health concerns or take medications.
    • To achieve weight loss or enter ketosis, it is generally advised by experts to begin with a small amount of MCT
    • Dosages above 30 grams daily may cause side effects such as loose stools, diarrhea, incontinence, gas, bloating, abdominal pain, or cramping.
    • Organic MCT oil is recommended to ensure the highest quality and purity.

    Remember that more is not always better regarding supplements like MCT oil. Start with a conservative dosage and listen to your body's response before increasing the amount consumed.

    Cooking With MCT Oil

    If you want to include MCT oil in your diet, cooking with it is a great way to reap some benefits. Here are some ways to use MCT oil in cooking:

    1. Use it as a salad dressing - substitute your regular salad dressing with MCT oil and your favorite herbs and spices for a healthy alternative.
    2. Add it to smoothies - blend MCT oil into your favorite recipe for an energy boost and a creamy texture.
    3. Substitute coconut oil in baked goods - replace coconut oil with MCT oil when baking for healthier fats that support weight management.
    4. Make homemade mayonnaise - use MCT oil as the base for homemade mayo instead of vegetable oils that can harm your health.
    5. Heat a pan with MCT oil to prepare a quick and healthy meal, then add your preferred vegetables and protein. Stir-fry the ingredients until cooked, and enjoy a delicious stir-fry with the goodness of MCT oil. 

    When using MCT oil in cooking, be sure not to heat it beyond its smoke point of 320°F (160°C). This will preserve its nutritional value while preventing harmful compounds from forming.

    Additionally, start with small amounts of MCT oil, slowly increasing over time to avoid digestive upset or loose stools. Adding MCT oil to your cooking can promote a healthier microbiome, strengthen the intestinal barrier, and improve gastrointestinal and metabolic health.

    So get creative in the kitchen and enjoy the benefits of incorporating this fantastic supplement into your diet!

    Potential Side Effects Of MCT Oil

    It's important to note that MCT oil may cause digestive upset, increased hunger hormones, and loose stools in some individuals. However, these side effects are generally mild and temporary.

    Digestive Upset

    One potential side effect of MCT oil consumption is digestive upset. Due to its unique digestion and metabolism, some individuals may experience stomach discomfortnauseabloatinggas, or diarrhea when incorporating MCT oil into their diet.

    However, most people tolerate it well and may only experience mild symptoms in the initial stages of use. To mitigate these risks, starting with a low MCT oil dosage and gradually increasing it over time while monitoring any adverse reactions is recommended.

    It's essential to remember that MCT oil should not replace a balanced diet or medical treatment for conditions like epilepsy or Alzheimer's.

    Increased Hunger Hormones

    One potential drawback of MCT oil supplementation is its association with increased hunger hormones. Ghrelin and neuropeptide Y are two hormones that regulate appetite, and studies have shown mixed results in their response to MCT oil ingestion.

    It's essential to remember that everyone responds differently to dietary changes, so it's crucial to listen to your body when incorporating MCT oil into your diet.


    In conclusion, MCT oil offers numerous benefits to your body and mind. From weight loss management, boosting energy levels, supporting brain health, improving gut health to enhancing immunity, and promoting ketosis, the list of benefits is endless.

    However, choosing high-quality MCT oils and using them in moderation is essential, as overuse may cause digestive discomfort. If you're looking for an easy way to add MCT oil into your diet, try adding it to smoothies or salad dressings.


    1. What are the benefits of taking MCT oil?

    MCT oil has demonstrated numerous health benefits, from enhanced cognitive function and increased energy levels to improved athletic performance and more effective weight management.

    2. How does MCT oil help with weight management?

    Due to its unique metabolism, MCT oil can promote increased satiety and enhance metabolism compared to other fats. These qualities make it an excellent supplement for individuals seeking to manage their weight as part of a healthy diet.

    3. Can anyone take MCT oil, or are there certain people who should avoid it?

    While generally safe for most people to consume, those with liver disease or other medical conditions should speak with their doctor before adding MCT oil to their diet.

    4. How do I incorporate MCT oil into my daily routine?

    Most commonly added to coffee or smoothies and used in cooking and baking; add the desired amount based on personal needs/preferences - typically starting around 1-2 tablespoons/day & gradually increasing over time if no adverse reactions occur like upset stomach etc.

    Does Activated Charcoal Work? (How Long Does it Take?)


    This natural detoxifier has been making waves in various industries, from emergency treatments to cosmetic uses.

    But does activate charcoal work, or is it just another fad? In this blog, we'll dive into how activated charcoal works, its effectiveness for different uses, and whether it's worth adding to your health and wellness arsenal.

    Key Takeaways

    • Activated charcoal adsorbs harmful toxins and chemicals in the gut, potentially preventing their absorption into the body.
    • It has been proven effective for treating acute poisoning if administered promptly after exposure to the poison. Still, optimal dosage and duration of use for other health concerns may vary from person to person.
    • Studies suggest activated charcoal alleviates gas, bloating, abdominal pain, and acne. Still, potential risks and side effects should be considered before use.
    • High-quality activated charcoal is crucial when choosing a supplement option. Before incorporating it into your health or beauty routine, ensure it has been laboratory tested under proper guidance.

    So... Does Activated Charcoal Work?

    Activated charcoal binds toxins and chemicals in the gut, preventing their absorption into the body.


    Definition & mechanism of action

    Activated charcoal is a black powder from carbon-rich materials such as peat, coconut shells, wood, or sawdust.

     The "activation" process involves heating these substances to high temperatures in a gas that causes the particles to become very porous.

    The mechanism by which activated charcoal works its magic is called adsorption (not absorption). In simple terms, when ingested or applied topically, activated charcoal's surface area and porous structure act like a magnet for toxins and impurities.

    When these unwanted substances come into contact with the activated charcoal particles, they bind to them due to weak electrostatic forces.

    For example, let's say you've accidentally consumed something poisonous while on a hike - not exactly an ideal scenario! Activated charcoal can play a critical role here as an emergency treatment option due to its remarkable ability to bind with toxins and potentially save lives.

    When taken promptly after exposure to poison (with medical guidance), it has been proven effective in preventing toxins from wreaking havoc inside your body until further help arrives.

    How Long Does it Take for Activated Charcoal To Work?

    The time it takes for activated charcoal to work depends on critical factors, such as the amount ingested, its quality, and the specific issue being treated.

    Generally speaking, activated charcoal can start showing results within minutes of consumption for specific health concerns like acute poisoning.

    On the other hand, if you're using activated charcoal for digestive issues like gas and bloating or skin-related concerns (e.g., acne or body odor), you may not observe immediate effects.

    It might take a few hours or even several days of consistent use before noticing any improvements in these areas.

    Although it varies from person to person due to individual physiology and factors like age and weight – one clear thing is that using high-quality activated charcoal can make all the difference in efficacy.

    Effectiveness of Activated Charcoal

    Activated charcoal has been studied for its effectiveness in treating poisoning and digestive issues, but is it a miracle remedy? Discover the evidence-based facts about activated charcoal's benefits and potential risks.

    Studies on it's use as a treatment for poisoning

    Numerous studies have showcased the effectiveness of activated charcoal in treating poisoning. The table below highlights some key findings from these studies.

    Study Findings
    Chyka et al. (2017) Activated charcoal effectively reduces the absorption of various toxins, including drugs and chemicals, when administered within 1-2 hours of ingestion. This can lead to a better outcome in acute poisoning cases.
    Olson et al. (1997) Activated charcoal is more effective when combined with other treatments like cathartics, gastric lavage, and whole bowel irrigation.
    Cooney (1985) Activated charcoal can help treat poisonings caused by substances like aspirin, barbiturates, and theophylline.
    Bond (2002) Activated charcoal has limited effectiveness in treating poisonings caused by ethanol, iron, lithium, potassium, and acids or alkalis.
    Seger (2004) Activated charcoal should not be administered to patients with a decreased level of consciousness, as this can increase the risk of aspiration.


    These studies highlight the benefits and limitations of using activated charcoal as a treatment for poisoning. Consulting with a healthcare professional before using activated charcoal to treat any medical condition is crucial.

    Studies on it's use for digestive issues

    Activated charcoal has been known to alleviate uncomfortable gas and bloating and has been studied for its effectiveness in treating these common digestive issues. Here's a table that summarizes some of the key findings of these studies:

    Study Participants Results
    Jain et al., 1986 Patients with a history of gas and abdominal bloating Activated charcoal reduced gas and bloating, and improved overall symptoms
    Di Stefano et al., 2000 Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Activated charcoal reduced bloating and abdominal pain in IBS patients
    de Lacy et al., 2009 Healthy adults Activated charcoal reduced hydrogen and methane gas production in the colon
    Wolters et al., 2017 Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Activated charcoal alleviated symptoms of indigestion and improved gut function in patients with CKD


    These studies indicate that activated charcoal can help improve digestive issues in various populations, such as gas, bloating, and abdominal pain. However, it's important to note that the optimal dosage and duration of treatment may vary from person to person, and potential risks and side effects should be considered before using activated charcoal.

    Conclusion: Is Activated Charcoal an Effective Remedy?

    Activated charcoal can effectively remedy various health and beauty issues. It works by binding harmful substances in the gut, helping to alleviate gas, bloating, and even acne.

    However, while it has benefits beyond just acute poisoning treatment, potential risks, and side effects should be considered before use.

    Do your research, listen to your body and remember that a healthy diet and lifestyle should be the main focus on your journey to wellness. 

    Purify your body with Wild Foods Co. Premium Activated Charcoal!

    Experience a cleaner, healthier you – try it today!


    What is activated charcoal, and how does it work?

    Activated charcoal is a thin black powder made from natural materials that have been burned to high temperatures in the presence of air, such as coconut shells or wood.

    When ingested, it binds with toxins and harmful chemicals in the body's digestive system, preventing them from being absorbed by the body.

    What are the possible advantages of using activated charcoal?

    Some people use activated charcoal to detoxify or alleviate uncomfortable symptoms associated with food poisoning, gas, or bloating. There is some evidence suggesting its use may aid in lowering cholesterol levels and reducing hangover symptoms when consumed before drinking alcohol.

    Is there any danger or negative effect to using activated charcoal?

    While activated charcoal is generally safe when taken in modest dosages under medical supervision, excessive use can cause constipation, vomiting, and dehydration.

    Is activated charcoal effective at treating all types of toxins within the body?

    Activated charcoal has proven most effective at binding with specific drugs and poisons commonly found in emergencies when immediate medical treatment is necessary (e.g., drug overdose). It may only be effective for regularly removing other types of toxins or heavy metals from your system with more targeted treatments.

    Activated Charcoal for Food Poisoning (How Much Should You Take?)


    Food poisoning is a dreadful experience that no one wants to encounter. When it strikes, finding an the right remedy is a top priority. Activated charcoal has long been a natural treatment for gastrointestinal distress.

    It's a wonder substance that helps absorb toxins and eases symptoms of food-borne illnesses, but how much-activated charcoal should you take for food poisoning?

    In this blog, we'll explore the benefits of activated charcoal for food poisoningrecommended dosages, precautions to take when using it.

    Key Takeaways

    • Activated charcoal can be an effective natural remedy for easing food poisoning symptoms such as stomach upset, bloating, and diarrhea.
    • In serious cases, consult a healthcare practitioner when choosing the right amount of activated charcoal for food poisoning.
    • Follow recommended dosage instructions found on product packaging closely and take it with plenty of water, while avoiding certain medications or nutrient supplements during treatment.
    • Be aware of potential side effects such as stomach upset or bowel obstruction if ingesting too much-activated charcoal.

    How Much Activated Charcoal to Take for Food Poisoning?

    Consulting with a healthcare professional is crucial to determine the right dosage of activated charcoal for food poisoning. (4) Still, it would help if you took other precautions before taking it - keep reading to learn more.

    Follow the recommended dosage on packaging

    The appropriate dose varies depending on age, weight, and overall health condition.

    Make sure you use oral suspension or capsules rather than regular charcoal for grilling or other purposes.

    Take activated charcoal with lots of water

    This helps ensure the charcoal can efficiently flush toxins from your digestive system.

    As activated charcoal absorbs toxins in the body, it needs enough fluid to help move them out and prevent stomach upset or bloating.

    A suggested approach is to mix a tablespoon of activated charcoal into a sizable glass of water and consume it gradually.

    Remember to drink 8-10 glasses of pure water throughout the day to assist in getting rid of harmful substances from your body.

    Consult with a healthcare professional

    In serious cases, a trained medical expert can assess your symptoms, identify the severity of your condition, and determine whether activated charcoal is the most appropriate treatment for you.

    For example, suppose you are on medications that may interfere with activated charcoal's absorption capacity or have certain pre-existing conditions that might limit its effectiveness.

    In that case, a healthcare professional can point you in the right direction.

    They may also give you instructions regarding supplement meals and other medications.

    Precautions when Taking Activated Charcoal for Food Poisoning

    To ensure the safe and effective use of activated charcoal for food poisoning, following recommended administration methods and being aware of possible side effects is essential.

    How to take activated charcoal for food poisoning

    The most common form is activated charcoal capsules, which can be taken orally with plenty of water.

    Mix the powder into your favorite treat or drink if you don't like the taste.

    Another option is to create a "charcoal flush" by mixing 1-2 tablespoons of activated charcoal with water and downing it.

    This helps push toxins out of your digestive system.

    Possible side effects

    Activated charcoal is generally safe when used appropriately but can have some side effects. (2)

    The most common side effect of activated charcoal is an upset stomach which may include bloating, flatulence, and diarrhea.

    This occurs because the digestive system cannot absorb activated charcoal properly.

    Activated charcoal can hinder the absorption of medications and nutrients within your body.

    It's critical to wait at least two hours before taking any medication or vitamin supplements after consuming activated charcoal.

    Benefits of Activated Charcoal for Food Poisoning

    Activated charcoal can absorb toxins and reduce symptoms such as upset stomach, bloating, and digestive issues caused by food poisoning. (1)

    Activated charcoal absorbs toxins

    Activated charcoal is a natural powerhouse for absorbing toxins, making it an ideal remedy for food poisoning.

    It works by trapping and binding harmful substances in the digestive system, preventing them from being absorbed by your body.

    In cases of food poisoning, this detoxifying agent has been shown to help neutralize various types of bacteria and viruses responsible for the illness.

    For example, it can effectively bind to E. Coli or Salmonella in the stomach. (3)

    Activated charcoal doesn't just soak up harmful toxins from contaminated food or drinks. It's also a proven remedy for hangovers, effectively reducing symptoms of excessive alcohol consumption!

    Indeed, many people have found relief from bloating and gastrointestinal distress after incorporating activated charcoal into their post-party recovery plan.

    Activated charcoal reduces symptoms

    As you're dealing with an upset stomach, bloating, or even a hangover from that favorite treat gone wrong, activated charcoal proves to be your ally in easing discomfort.

    Ingesting activated charcoal could minimize the severity of diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting associated with such food-borne illness.



    If you've ever experienced food poisoning, you know how uncomfortable and painful it can be. Fortunately, activated charcoal is a natural remedy that can help ease your symptoms.

    In serious cases or to make sure of the proper dosage for food poisoning, consult a healthcare professional.

    Follow the dose recommended on the label, and take the activated charcoal with lots of water.

    Remember to take precautions when using activated charcoal, such as avoiding certain medications and nutrients during treatment.

    Purify your body with Wild Foods Co. premium Activated Charcoal! Experience a cleaner, healthier you – try it today!


    How does activated charcoal work for food poisoning? 

    Activated charcoal works as a potent absorbent, trapping and binding harmful substances in the digestive system, preventing them from being absorbed by your body. In cases of food poisoning, it can help neutralize various types of bacteria and viruses responsible for the illness, such as E. Coli or Salmonella.

    What are the benefits of using activated charcoal for food poisoning?

    Activated charcoal can reduce symptoms such as upset stomach, bloating, and digestive issues caused by food poisoning. It's also effective in alleviating hangovers and reducing symptoms of excessive alcohol consumption, which can sometimes accompany food poisoning.

    What is the recommended dosage of activated charcoal for food poisoning?

    The appropriate dosage of activated charcoal for food poisoning varies depending on age, weight, and overall health condition. It's crucial to follow the recommended dosage on the packaging and take the activated charcoal with plenty of water. In serious cases, consult with a healthcare professional to determine the appropriate dosage.

    Are there any precautions to take when using activated charcoal for food poisoning?

    Yes, activated charcoal can hinder the absorption of medications and nutrients within your body. It's critical to wait at least two hours before taking any medication or vitamin supplements after consuming activated charcoal. Also, be aware of potential side effects such as stomach upset, bloating, flatulence, and diarrhea.

    Can activated charcoal be used for other health issues apart from food poisoning?

    Absolutely! Apart from treating food poisoning, activated charcoal is also used for detoxification, improving digestive health, and even teeth whitening

    Related Studies

    1. "Activated Charcoal" - StatPearls - This study explains that activated charcoal adsorbs ingested toxins within the gastrointestinal tract, preventing the systemic absorption of that toxin. 
    2. "The Use of Activated Charcoal to Treat Intoxications" - Dtsch Arztebl Int. - This study explains that with regular use, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, urge to defecate, and anal irritation are all common side effects.
    3. "What are the benefits of activated charcoal?" - Medical News Today - This article explains that activated charcoal seems to be especially effective at removing toxins derived from urea, the main byproduct of protein digestion. 
    4. "Activated Charcoal for Food Poisoning: Benefits and Role of It!" - Fisher Institute - This article explains that the dosage of activated charcoal varies depending on the individual’s weight and the severity of poisoning, and it should be taken under the guidance of a medical professional.